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Eight Months of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!


Allll the smiles and joy to celebrate

the eight sweetest months with our newest little baby bear cub in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!

He is truly just that – a bundle of pure love, sweetness, and JOY –

the cutest little snuggly winter baby bear, adorable tiny valentine,

and perfect addition to our growing family and makes all the seasons (& holidays) all the more fun and oh so sweet!!

Every day (and every month!) keeps on getting better and better with you here, sweet baby boy, and we are so grateful the Lord blessed us with your happy, easygoing, go-with-the-flow little angel baby self!!

Your big brother Judson, mama, and “Dada” could not be more smitten with you and we truly cannot imagine life without you now!!

You are sitting up,

playing and trying to keep up with your big brother bestie

(it’s the cutest thing EVER seeing their little “brother bear” bond grow and grow!!),

babbling and saying so many new sounds these days (especially “bubba” – when you are looking at your big brother – melt my heart!!), eating like a champ

(you loveeee food and it’s adorable watching Judson teach you how to eat, too!),

oh so snuggly (my little winter valentine baby bear)

and love to cuddle with mommy, and just the happiest little baby… a dream come true!


Highlights of this past month were experiencing your very first Christmas (our little santa baby!!), your first New Years (so fun!) and taking you out to ride the tractor with “Dada” and Judson out on our land for the first time, as well as your very first SNOW the other week!

We have been soaking in and making so many special family memories around here!!

Our hearts are so full of joy and gratitude to Jesus for your precious little life and living in the very sweetest days as a family of four – and oh so excited to experience your very first Valentine’s Day and lots more “firsts” in these next months ahead!!


This past month has been filled with so many precious winter memories so far!! Starting with all things #babysfirstchristmas

with an adorable Christmas milk bath (it’s a baby tradition in our household hehe)

for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett,

so many snuggles by the glowing tree,

lots of walks around town to enjoy all the lights and decorations,

Christmas Cards,

Christmas Eve sugar cookie baking and decorating,

all of our Christmas Eve night traditions

(a Christmas Eve candlelight service,

putting reindeer food

and cookies out for Santa, and spending the evening at Wes’ Nana’s house),

and the most wonderful Christmas morning YET as a new family of four this year!

It was so magical getting to see Judson’s little eyes as he walked in to see what Santa Claus had brought him,

and it was so precious seeing all the wonder and joy in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s eyes for his very first Christmas!! We spent the week after Christmas (one of my favorite coziest weeks every single year!) back home in Charlotte with my family and made lots of sweet memories –

Wes got me a brand new baby carrier for Christmas (that sweet Baby Levi Rhett LOVES)

and we also took Levi Rhett to his very first movie while we were in town, too! So many fun memories made!!

We celebrated our first New Year’s as a family of four this year and had such a cozy little family night in back home sweet home – with poppers, confetti, and even sparkling cider!!

On New Year’s Day, “Dada” was bush-hogging out on the land so I loved getting to bring you and bubba out to meet him for a little picnic lunch –

and I know this will be a memory I’ll cherish forever of our babies so little out on our property!!

We hung up new photo canvases and prints around our home of our new family of four – another one of my very favorite New Year’s traditions every year!

We made some fun play snow for them to play with (as we were soooo excited anticipating the real snow coming just a week or so later!!),

had a visit from my dear friend Ms. Juanita back from teaching days,

took our Christmas tree to our favorite local farm for the goats to eat (they loveee!),

and have been spending the sweetest days at home with our baby bears!!

Just the other week, we got to experience Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first snow

and made the absolute sweetest snow day memories as a family of four!!

We soaked up every bit of the snow and ice –

catching snowflakes,

sledding down the beautiful mountain view trail right by our house,

making a snowman

with a carrot from our very own garden,

making homemade snowcream,

“painting” the snow, and so much more!!

We just decorated our little old family farmhouse for Valentine’s Day

(sooo grateful for all of my cutie valentine boys!!) and had such a fun little past weekend visiting with my high school bestie and then going to one of Judson’s best friend’s birthday parties, too!!


We are so grateful for our new family of four and all that the Lord has in store ahead for our family out on our farm sweet farm, too… the best truly is yet to come and we are excited to see what this next year holds!! It was so special getting to have our little “New Year’s Day Picnic” out on our land and it made me so excited to raise our babies out on our own little slice of heaven (and a memory I know I’ll always cherish forever of our #landandbabies in the very very beginning days)!!

I love this little life and family we are growing and building and am living out so many dreams come true! Full hands and even fuller hearts these days – what a gift and I’m truly living in my favorite season of my life yet -

happy happy eight months, our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!!


And now to recap all the sweet memories since my last blog post (aka… the last month – so if you haven’t already… make sure to go read my birth story blog , “first 2 weeks” blog, one month of Levi Rhett blog, two months of Levi Rhett blog, three months of Levi Rhett blog, four months of Levi Rhett blog, five months of Levi Rhett blog, six months of Levi Rhett blog, and seven months of Levi Rhett blog, too!!


And starting this month (and to make my blog posts a bit more concise!), I am going to be adding “links” to all of my insta posts from the month below – so you can “click” there and see all of the many additional photos, videos, full captions, reflections, and more that I love to share over on my personal Instagram page but just simply don’t have room to share it all in this blog post!! Enjoy!  


It was the happiest Sunday before Christmas with our very own Christmas cutie in his festive milk bath - cuteness overload and pure JOY!! Did this same little set-up back when Judson was a baby and so stinkin’ special to get to carry on the tradition with our newest little JOYful Santa baby this year!!


Click here to see the rest of these sweet photos

and click here to see the cutest video of him in his little milk bath!


Was just overwhelmed with gratitude this Christmas season to the Lord for his goodness to our growing family and His blessings upon blessings in our sweet land (and all He has in store out there!) and the gift of raising these sweet little country babies of ours!!  I love this sweet simple beautiful little life and family we are building, Wesley Mabry - the kind I’ve always dreamed of - and every day truly is such a gift from God! Thank you, Jesus!!


“My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.” // Psalm 71:8


Click here to see the merriest little moment of some sweet brother lovin’ by the Christmas tree – be still my heart!


Goodness gracious my heart wasn’t ready for this brother loving sweetness! Thank you, Jesus, for these precious Christmas blessings under my tree this season!! But truly… it just doesn’t get sweeter than this!! Soaking in these magic-filled little moments with my babies so little this Christmas for Levi Rhett’s very first Christmas (so happy he even smiles in his sleep - truly an angel baby y’all!!) and Judson’s first Christmas as a big brother!! My heart (& hands) have never been so full and I truly couldn’t love these sweet babies more!!


It sure was a happy “Christmas Eve Eve” – click here to see a little photodump what all we did and lots of photo memories from that week leading up to Christmas!


Andddd click here to see a happy little Judson who woke up from his nap to play outside anddddd his tractor friends across the street asked if he wanted to “take a ride” on the big red tractor!!! There sure are perks of small town country living and having friends with lots and lots of tractors (cue the Rodney Atkins song  - “Friends with Tractors” hehe)- goodness what a special “Christmas Eve Eve” surprise and memory for our little Judson (with “Dada”) while baby brother was napping!! Truly the best gift ever and our little firstborn country boy Judson sure was in heaven, y’all!!


And it was also so much fun having my whole family in town - took the whole clan out to eat at our favorite local Mexican spot and then went over to Uncle Edgar’s (my Mamaw and Papaw’s old house) to see all of his beautiful decorations (he had decorated it just like they used to when they were still here) and it truly felt like Mamaw & Papaw were there with us, too!!

So special seeing my parents with all FIVE of their grandkids and being back with all of my sisters, too!! Like Wes said when we got home, it truly was the “perfect Christmas night” and goodness I am so grateful for my big beautiful wonderful family! God has been so good!!!!


And that very next night, we had such fun time at Wes’ parents’ beautiful farmhouse all decorated for Christmas (and the cutest little Christmas train toy they had set up for Judson)

and goodness there is just nothing sweeter than these sweet baby boys in their matching Santa jammies - melt my heart!! They sure do love their “RaRa and Papa Jack!”


Nothing I love more than giving & receiving Christmas Cards from loved ones this time of year! Merry Christmas Eve from our brand new family of FOUR this year - our very sweetest yet with our newest little bundle of JOY!!


“And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great JOY that will be for all the people.” // Luke 2:10


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” // Isaiah 9:6


It has been such a special Christmas season getting to share the story of Jesus’ birth with our babies, while also experiencing the wonder and joy of Christmas through their precious little eyes! There is nothing like experiencing this magic and wonder-filled time of year through the eyes of children, and it has been the sweetest Christmas yet with our firstborn Judson at such a precious little age and with our newest little Santa Baby Levi Rhett here in our arms this year for his very first Christmas!! Thank you, Jesus, for your blessings upon blessings in our farm sweet farm (& all that’s to come out there!!), and for coming to give us abounding peace, love, joy, and ABUNDANT LIFE to the full!!


Click here to see a fun little video of our Christmas Eve sugar cookie baking tradition fun!!


And Click here to see a Christmas Eve Photodump – of allll of our special moments, photos, and memories from such a happy day of the year!! Goodness what a special time it’s been with our TWO babies here for the most wonderful season of all!!


Started off this cozy Christmas Eve with some fresh pot pourri - and our house smelled like Christmas heaven!!!

We had a slow cozy morning reading our Jesus Storybook Bible Christmas book as a family!!

Then we baked Santa’s cookies and there’s nothing sweeter than your sweet Christmas baby grabbing your finger and falling asleep nursing in your arms - you truly are the sweetest Christmas gift this year, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!


Such a beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service - Judson loved singing the songs and holding his candle and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was snug as a bug on mama’ chest and loved seeing all the candles a’ glow all around! One of my favorite moments of Christmas every single year celebrating in adoration our greatest gift of all - Sweet Baby Jesus!!

And then we had such a fun time at Wes’ Nana & Papa Jack’s house before heading home (the joy and magic in Judson’s little eyes and voice in the car was the sweetest thing ever and I just wanted to bottle it UP!!) to put our reindeer food out, read our Christmas bedtime story by the tree, and put our cookies (& milk!) and key (from Wes’ “Nana”) out for Santa Claus!! Goodness I can’t get over the JOY in Judson’s eyes and how magical this all is to him this year - and goodness, what a gift that his “baby bubba” Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is here as his best gift of all this year for his very first Christmas!!


And then Judson was sound asleep, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett fell asleep smiling in my arms and mama just “stole some kisses from Santa Claus” hehe and we had so much fun getting alllll the magic set up for our babies -

and look how beautiful and special this #babysfirstchristmasornament is that Wes’ Aunt Laura gave us tonight!! Truly nothing like a baby’s first christmas and we couldn’t wait for the morning!!


 “Joy to the world!

The Lord is come

Let earth receive her King!

Let every heart prepare Him room

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven, and heaven and nature sing...”


“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” // Luke 2:10-11


“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises. Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout joyfully before the King, the Lord.” // Psalm 98:4-6


True JOY has come to the world, sweet friends. And He will come again!! Merry merry Christmas from our new family of four to yours!! It has been so special experiencing the joy, awe, and wonder of this time of year through our sweet firstborn Judson’s eyes this Christmas and soaking in all the #babysfirstchristmas magic and sweetness with our newest little Santa Baby Levi Rhett here in our arms this year for our #firstchristmasasafamilyoffour !!


Click here to see a Christmas morning photodump post – it was, hands-down, the sweetest Christmas morning of our lives yet as a new family of four this year with our two sweet babies in our arms for all the magic and fun!!

And there is truly nothing more magical than experiencing a baby’s very first Christmas and we have loved having Sweet Baby Levi Rhett here for all the sleepy snuggles and baby cuteness this holiday season!!


In the words of Judson, this was “the best Christmas EVER” -

but truly, between the joy in Judson’s little eyes to see all that Santa Claus brought

(& the white footprints from his “snow boots” hehe - mom and dad had wayyyy too much fun the night before “putting together all the magic” -

truly one of my favorite coziest nights of the year) and the preciousness of him loving on his “baby bubba” (aka his best gift ever this Christmas), my heart could have melted!!

We spent the morning playing with his new train table, baseball glove, firetruck, farm books, and baby’s little toys, and snuggling Sweet Baby Levi Rhett asleep in our arms all morning long and just soaking it allllll in around here!! Santa even brought some treats for Red and Judson thought that was the coolest ever!!

Goodness, I love being a mama and love raising these precious country baby boys with you, Wesley Mabry, and oh so excited for all that’s to come out on our farm sweet farm this year ahead!!!


Then the babies were napping

before we headed to spend the rest of Christmas Day and the days ahead with my family back home sweet home and it was simply the best!!


My very best presents under the tree this year - I already had all I could ever want for Christmas this year in these cutie pie country baby boys of ours and this sure is going to be a “Christmas to Remember” with our newest little sweet Santa Baby Levi Rhett here for his very first Christmas (best gift ever!!) and watching Judson thrive in his new role as big brother!! Our very sweetest Christmas yet and I just love watching our family grow and it truly just keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter every year!!


Click here to see a fun little reel of the new baby carrier that Wes got me for Christmas –

that both Levi Rhett and I LOVEEE!!!


It was the coziest little “Day After Christmas” back home sweet home with this little snuggly Santa baby!! Having a new baby at Christmastime make the season even more magical!


And look (in the video) at how precious these ornaments are that my parents got for my babies - the “Baby’s first Christmas” for Levi Rhett and the football for Judson! Love love love!

And sweet Wes got me this beautiful ivory Mabe baby carrier for Christmas (that I’ve been eyeing forever) and… safe to say, both mama and baby LOVE it!! He is snug as a bug and happy as can be in it and even fell asleep while I was helping prep the cousins’ little lunches (and didn’t even realize it)! So, if you’re looking for a cozy new baby carrier for these winter months ahead… this is it, y’all!! Linked it for y’all over on my LTKit shop!! 


Goodness, there is nothing better than having a snuggly little baby bear cub this cozy time of year coming up!! And then this pure baby’s first Christmas sweetness happened - be still my heart!!!

This sweet baby boy lovessss Santa Claus (and the little stuffed Santa is actually from my own childhood - how special) and his little giggles melted my heart!!

It has been the best Christmas ever with our newest little happy Santa baby here this year and my cup overflows!!!


Click here to see a little photodump from Christmas evening and the first day or so after down at my parents’ house! So many fun memories!


There is no place like going back home sweet home for the holidays and I loveeee these cozy slow days between Christmas and New Years - with nowhere to go and nowhere to be and we’ve been soaking it all in!! Wes had it all off work this year and we got to have such sweet family time - my cup overflows!!


It’s been the merriest little Christmas of all with all of my family (& all three of my sisters) back home - and my boys really racked up with a new baseball glove (& tee ball) from Auntie MoJo and Chris and a fishing pole and football from Nana and Papaw!! Then we spent the next morning opening the rest of the children’s gifts and it was so fun seeing the cousins all playing together with their new toys form one another!!

And Papaw even got out my old trainset that Santa Claus brought me back when I was a child (I asked for it for Christmas one year and he’s held onto it all these years) - and got it all set up for the littles to admire by the tree!! I can’t believe it’s still working - and he said we can take it home to put under our tree next year, too - so sweet!! And we also had such a fun little evening letting all of the cousin cuties open up their stockings from Santa (a day late hehe)!! I love seeing Christmas through my babies’ eyes!!!


Click here to see a little reel I made of our Christmas cards over the years!


So special looking back at our family Christmas cards over the past 5 years of marriage (this year’s doubled as a birth announcement hehe) and seeing how the Lord has blessed our family - with two babies in our arms now and our 15 acre farm sweet farm and all that’s to come out there this year ahead!! Feeling so very grateful this Christmas Season and praising the Lord for the sweetest blessing of all in my family! This year’s Christmas card is most definitely my very favorite yet!!


Click here to see a sweet little reel I made encompassing the “week between Christmas and New Years” – I love it so!


Truly is the coziest week of the year and so so glad I got to spend it with the people I love most back home sweet home! These are the sweetest snuggliest days with our little ones and I was soaking it all in!


This “Create & Design Drill Kit” that “Nana & Papaw” gave Judson for Christmas has been quite the hit!! So much fun and great for fine motor skills, too!!


Those post-nursing afternoon naps are the best hehe - someone fell asleep nursing in mama’s arm and I couldn’t resist sitting this sweepy whittle baby next to his Santa (from my childhood - that he is the same size as right now) - the sweetest little Santa baby mama ever did see!!


And I mean but really… is there anything more attractive than a man who loves your babies?!? That backward hat and baby giggles- my heartttttttt - officially need 10 more of this sweet baby lol - true ANGEL BABY and the happiest little thing!! And nothing cuter than a baby in the kitchen sink bath back home sweet home!!


Click here to see a reel of our first movie theatre experience as a family of four!


Oh what a fun “week after Christmas” rainy Saturday night we had taking the babies to the movies to see Moana 2!! Judson loved sitting in Nana (& “Dada’s” lap) and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was happy as can be (and fell asleep for the most of the movie hehe)!! What a sweet memory for #babysfirstmovie and our #firstmovieasafamilyoffour !!

This Christmas season sure has been oh so magical with Judson at the sweetest little three-year-old age this year and watching him be the BEST big brother to his “baby bubba,” my precious firstborn baby boy - Judson Carpenter Mabry! Oh, how we all love and adore your JOY-filled little self so!!!


Click here to see a reel I put together to recap our Christmas 2024 memories – and our very sweetest yet as a brand new family of FOUR this year!! This will for sure be a “Christmas to Remember” and our hearts are full of such JOY!


Click here to see another little photodump/camera roll of the week after Christmas back home sweet home - slow mornings with family, alllll the sweet Santa baby snuggles, movie theater outings, and playing with all of the Christmas gifts on repeat - and it’s just the coziest time of the year … especially with a cuddly new little baby here for #babysfirstwinter!!


It has been such a gift to be “home for the holidays” with family and all the “Christmas cozy” vibes those rainy rainy few days we’ve had! And it was such a sweet little carride back home sweet home to our little country town with all the Christmas lights up all around and glowing against the rainy roads!! And then we were excited to be back to our own home to let the babies really enjoy their Santa gifts!!


Click here to see a sweet little reel I made of the professional photos we had made for our Christmas Cards this year – full hands and even fuller hearts!!


2024… what a beautiful year full of the Lord’s abundant goodness, kindness, and blessing to our family - my favorite year yet!!


I was pregnant for the first half of the year (cherishing every sweet little baby kick in my growing belly) before welcoming Judson’s “baby bubba,” our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, into our arms… and every day has only gotten sweeter and sweeter since!! Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful life and our new family of four - you have truly blessed us beyond measure and we are living in the sweetest days of our lives yet!!!


My word going into 2024 was “abundant” - and I am so thankful for the ways He has abundantly blessed our growing family and all that He has in store ahead out on our 15 acre farm sweet farm in this sweet season of #chasingdreamsandchasingbabies !! I have seen His abundant goodness in the way Judson has absolutely thrived taking on his new role as big brother (he was truly made to be my firstborn son helper - what a precious gift), we have loved introducing Sweet Baby Levi Rhett to the beach and all of our traditions, and just experienced the most special Christmas yet!


And as I’ve been praying, the word that the Lord keeps putting in my mind for 2025 is “Behold” - as I am constantly getting the chance to sit still in His presence and “behold” his beautiful wonderful awe and goodness and hear His voice as I’m rocking my Sweet Baby Levi Rhett in my arms these days!! There is something so sacred about motherhood and seeing God’s loving tender heart for us as we look into the eyes of our own babies - I have never experienced anything quite like it!! And I pray I will continue to behold the abundant beauty, joy, and goodness of the Lord in all that I see and do as we live out the abundant life He has called us to with all that year 2025 has in store for our family out on our farm sweet farm - the best is yet to come!! #behold #wordfor2024


And click here to see a video reel I put together of a YEAR 2024 Recap – soooo special putting together all of these precious photos, videos, and memories of the very sweetest year of my life yet - the year our sweet little Judson became a BIG BROTHER!! Welcome to the world, our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, you have brought us indescribable joy upon JOY and we love you so!!


I sure did love working on this little “2024 Recap Reel” and gosh it’s been so fun and sweet looking back at so many happy memories!!! Spent the first half of 2024 pregnant with baby #2, our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, and soaking in those final months with Judson before welcoming his “baby bubba” (aka built in best friend) into the world!! Winter and Spring of 2024 was so special with my growing belly hehe!! And after the most beautiful birth (thank you, Jesus!), we had BOTH babies here in our arms for all the summer, fall, and Christmas memories!!!


Click here to see a fun reel from our New Year’s Eve!!


Happy Happy New Year from our new family of four this year!!! Sweetest little cozy “new years eve” party at home with our babies this year and we wouldn’t have it any other way!!


We went all out with the new year’s fun and even had a cutie little cookie cake to go with our sparkling cider hehe - and Judson thought it was the best thing ever getting to do a little “cheers” to the new year!! Got my new year’s kiss from my sweet boys and we even did a little early pretend ball drop and had some confetti poppers to celebrate!! Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was just along for the ride in mama’s carrier before falling asleep by the Christmas tree (and fireworks going off outside!) - can’t think of a sweeter #babysfirstnewyearseve !!


Click here to see a New Year’s Day photodump of some fun memories leading up to it all! We are excited for you, 2025, and all that the Lord has in store ahead!!


It truly felt like Christmas all over again getting to be back home that week and letting our babies play with their toys from Santa!! It was lots and lots of baby snuggling and baby wearing over here and I loved it so! We did lots of new years organizing around the house (went ahead and packed up Christmas décor  - except for our tree which would stay up until the weekend so we could take it over to our favorite local farm to give to the cutie goats - #itsatradition) and it felt so good heading into the new year with a clean fresh house!!! I loveeee getting organized ahead going into the New Year! And we had oh so much fun celebrating our #firstnewyearseveasafamilyoffour and went all out with the poppers and sparkling cider cheers fun!!


Click here to see a reel I made of our New Year’s Day picnic out on the farm!


Nothing sweeter than a little picnic with the babies on our farm sweet farm to ring in the new year of 2025!! We had so much fun bringing “Dada” a little packed lunch and having ourselves a little day date out on our land - he got it all bush-hogged and we were so proud!! Daddy put both babies up on the John Deere with him and my heart melted!! Judson even got to do a few loops around the property on the tractor with “Dada” and he was definitely in his “happy place” hehe - love our little firstborn country boy Judson so!!


It is so special bringing BOTH of our babies out here now and we are so in love with this special special place - and excited for what the future holds for our family!! I know these are going to be such precious memories to look back on one day with our babies so little on our land!! Thank you, Jesus, for this sweet season of #landandbabies and all that you have in store ahead!! Helloooo 2025 - we are ready for you!!


Click here to see a reel of another one of my favorite winter traditions every new year - hanging up new updated family photos and canvases on the walls of our home  and eek this year is so special because it’s our first of our family of FOUR!!!


Andddd the boys went and got mama some fresh flowers - be still my heart!! Wesley Mabry sure does know my love language - flowers & babies hehe!!


Click here to see a reel of our fun making play snow!!


Oh what a fun little time we had this morning making our very own SNOW and playing on the deck!! We even added our favorite farm animals (& tractors and trucks ofcourse) and made our own little “winter wonderland” and Judson LOVED it!! Such a fun winter sensory bin activity for this time of year!!


Loved having one of my dearest friends (and coworkers back from my teaching days at MSA), Ms. Juanita (I still call her that by habit), come visit and meet my babies - who both adore heer!!! She is such a blessing of love, goodness, light, and JOY to all and radiate Jesus everywhere she goes- especially to me!! Her love for children and nurturing families is so inspiring to me, and I am so thankful we have stayed so close over these last few years!! What a friend she has been to me and goodness how grateful I am for all of her prayers and loving kindness over the years!! Thanking Jesus for her friendship today and everyday, and that He crossed our paths the way he did!!


Click here to see another photodump of #lifelately with my sweet family these slow January days!!


Soooo blessed to be ringin’ in 2025 with these two sweetie pie baby boys - and so thankful Jesus gave them one another as a built-in bestie for life - so close together in age!! Such a sweet gift - my two firstborn sons (& future “farm-hands” on the land hehe)!!!


Click here to see a reel of one of our other favorite new years traditions of going up to our favorite local farm to bring our Christmas tree to the goats - oh so much fun!! Judson loved feeding the goats, sitting on the big tractor, going to see the horsie and piggies, and getting a little “treat” by the rocking chairs at the general store! And our little snuggly baby bear, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, was bundled up and just along for the ride in mama’s carrier!!


Click here to see a little reel of a “Sunday Kind of Love” – aka a sweet little first Sunday of January video of lots of sweet little moments…. The highlight of which was Judson running up to bring me a fresh camellia bush bloom he picked for me from the yard – so sweet!!


Click here to see a photodump post of lots of camera roll memories from that first weekend of January!!


Click here to see a precious “day in the life” reel from the first Monday in January at home with my sweet babies!!


My whole heart and my whole world - goodness I sure do love these precious country baby boy brother built-in besties so!!!


Click here to see a sweet baby rocking video – there is just nothing sweeter than having a cuddly new little baby bear to snuggle all winter season long (aka #snuggleseason)!!


Just the sweetest whittle winter baby bears I ever did see!!! Be still my heart, y’all!!


Click here to see another mid week camera roll of some sweet moments with my little winter bears!


Long live the days of wearing my winter baby bear on my chest, watching the other go “fishing” hehe in the yard (in the little hole slash “pond” he created all on his own!), driving the little blue car to check the mail with my babies before “Dada” gets home from work, breakfast time extraaa cute with two little mouths to feed now, and Judson always wanting to wear his adorable little fireman hat hehe!! These truly are the days and I love them so!!


Life is such a gift and really is all about the little things and little moments. And if you know me at all, you know this about me! Truly just love these precious days of rocking my sweet baby with my toddler “hard at work” fixin’ things and playing at my feet! Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of being their mama and these days staying home raising them!!


Click here to see the sweetest brother lovin’ video!


I could watch these sweet baby giggles over and over again!! It is truly so special having two brothers back to back - goodness, their little bond grows by the day and it is such a gift to see!!! I love these litlte brother bear besties so much - what a gift they are to one another and will be forever!! I’ve always heard it’s special having two boys first, but man, no one can prepare you for this sweetness!!


Click here to see a reel of the “day before” the big snowstorm that they were predicting… and my winter baby bears sure were excited!!

And Click here to see a photodump post of even MORE sweet memories leading up to the snow!!


My back deck morning coffee sunrise view was extra beautiful that morning!! Look at the SKY in my pictures, y’all! Unreal! The snow was coming y’all!! We even read our favorite “The First Snow” book for storytime and then the babies were both down for naps!! The snow was just beginning to fall outside my window (eek!!) and I was just so excited that my babies were going to get to wake up to snow falling on the ground!!!


Click here to see the most magical reel of the snow starting to fall on the ground during naptime and the pure JOY on my boys’ faces as they woke up to see it all!!

I heard tiny little pitter patter feet coming down the hallway and Judson ran straight to the window and just stared out at the snow in absolute amazement, and then ran to wake his “baby bubba up” in pure excitement!!! What a dream! It really did feel like Judson’s first snow, too, because he was just a little little baby the last time we had snow!


Snow days are the best days and this will go down as one of my very favorite happiest memories in my life yet!! Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first snow day and, what feels like, Judson’s first too… since he is old enough to play in it this time!! We were having oh SNOW much fun in this little “marshmallow world” for #babysfirstsnow and our #firstsnowasafamilyoffour !!


Click here to see some more photos and videos of the most magical snow day!!


From my babies waking up from their naps to snow on the ground, “Dada” getting home early from work, bundling up the babies in their snow gear (all thanks to Wes’ precious mama who had us all set 🙏🏽), playing our little hearts out in the snow until sunset, snow falling all around and over the old red truck, catching snowflakes on our tongues with Judson, pulling both babies in the sled (Judson even wanted to take Sweet Baby Levi Rhett for a ride hehe and he loved it), Judson driving his little John Deere tractor by the chickens and Red, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s precious baby self giggling away all bundled up (babies in puffy snow gear has to be the cutest thing EVER), and came in for pizza and warm hot cocoa (Judson’s little “cheers” was beyond adorable) before baths and bedtime!!


Click here to see a reel from that very first day with the snow coming down!


It was just the dreamiest snow day ever with our babies - and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first snow!!


This was our first snow here living at my great grandparents’ old family farmhouse and our hearts were oh so happy and having SNOW much fun!! We woke up to even more snow covering the ground (truly was a “marshmallow world”)!!


PS. I linked all things “snow day with babies and toddlers” over on my LTKit shop - so make sure to go follow along with me there if you haven’t already!!


Click here to see another reel from Snow Day #2! So much fun!!


Nothing like getting to relive all of your favorite childhood memories - but this time, as parents!! This truly is what snow day dreams are made of, y’all!!


Woke up to a true “marshmallow world” the next morning after lots more snow fell down that night - so magical getting some front porch swing baby snuggles with snow right outside!! Made some yummy sweet potato pancakes and bacon for breakfast that morning - loved filling up my boys’ bellies for a fun snow day ahead!! And nothing better than enjoying your morning coffee off the back deck with a view of dreamy white all around!!


We have had an even MORE fun time this day - with so much more snow on the ground!!! We had fun frolicking around the yard (Red was in heaven!) and sledding down the street all morning!! We have the perfect dreamiest sledding hill in the woods right next to our home and it truly was the most magical day with all of my sweet winter bears!!  I felt like I am living in a dream come true - my big boys sledding with another precious baby on my chest - Heaven on earth!!! Thank you, Jesus!!


And then my littlest baby bear fell asleep on my chest and I truly felt like I was in heaven!! It just doesn’t get more magical than babywearing a precious sleeping  baby on your chest and snow all around under your boots!! And we even pulled carrots from our very own garden (so cool!!) for our snowman!! Judson was so proud of what he grew and what a special core childhood memory for him!!! Judson named our snowman “Frosty” and said he couldn’t wait for him to “come to life” hehe! We even fed the extra carrots from our garden to the chickens and they sure were happy!!


Click here to see a reel of a little snow day evening fun (& snow day traditions) with our babies!


After making our very own “Frosty the Snowman” that afternoon (with a carrot nose from our very own garden - so neat), we had a fun little “snow saturday” front porch evening activity painting the snow - and Judson loved it!! So neat seeing the white snow change to so many different colors (& a great learning activity, too)!!


And then we made a little homemade “snow cream” treat (one of my favorite traditions as a child) and Judson had so much fun mixing in the ingredients all by himself!! So yummy and such a fun little ending to another perfect snow day - Cheers to that!!!


My happy little snow babies!! Don’t think it gets any cuter than this - my little winter brother bears (snow angels) in their puffy snow gear will forever have my heart!!


Click here to see another little snow day diary photo dump full of a collection of the most magical snowy moments in the country with my family of FOUR this winter!!


Click here to see a little bit of heaven on earth over here in our own little “marshmallow world”  - it was all just so magical! Our first snow in this sweet old family farmhouse anddd with a new baby this year - what a gift!


Click here to see another photodump from our snow weekend fun!! It could not have been a more perfect or special weekend for #babysfirstsnow and our #firstsnowasafamilyoffour and our hearts are just so full!!! It was so special getting to see our little bear Judson (& Sweet Baby Levi Rhett) experience the snow in the winter wonderland we were hoping for and reading about all last week!! Snow days were my most cherished memories as a child, and goodness, it is even MORE fun now as parents… getting to experience all of the magic, wonder, and JOY through your little ones’ eyes!!


Click here to see a fun little “day in the life” reel of the Monday after the snow weekend, where there was still soooo much icy snow left for Judson to play with all day and we had an absolute blast!


Oh just the country man of my dreams holding the cutest little bright-blue eyed snow angel baby I ever did see!!! Is there anything cuter than a precious little baby a snowsuit?! I need 10 more of him!!


Click here to see a sweet little video from baby’s first snow!!


Truly couldn’t have asked for a more magical snow day for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first snow - and at the same exact little age that my sweet firstborn Judson got to experience his first snow when he was a little baby, too!! So grateful for the most special #babysfirstsnowday memories watching the snow fall with a new baby in my arms (and watching Judson frolick around in the yard and driving his tractor through it all) for our #firstsnowasafamilyoffour!!


Cutest little bright blue-eyed baby polar bear mama ever did see - sooo beyond smitten - he melts my heart!! Soaking up playing in every last bit of the snowy ice around here with my little snow babies (and chicken girlies hehe) and making the sweetest winter time memories!!!


Click here to see a sweet little mid-week photodump post! Couldn’t love these sweet brother bears more if I tried!! Cutie pie baby boys and future besties for life!! Love these cozy winter days with them and playing outside in every last bit of the snow and ice from over the weekend!!


Click here to see a wonderful wednesday with my littlest loves - I mean… could my brother bestie valentines be any cuter?! Can y’all believe that Valentine’s Day is just a month away now?! Love this time of year so - especially with our sweet brand NEW baby Valentine to snuggle this year!!


I love doing my morning quiet time before the house wakes up and we were so excited to be headed back to our weekly bible study community group (& little preschool class for Judson)!! I so cherish these precious sunrise morning moments with my firstborn - the sweet silliest little boy making up his own songs  hehe!! Then we were dressed and headed out the door and had the sweetest time at our Bible study group - these babies love it there so much and we loved getting back together with so many friends!! Then back home for naptime and it’s always just the sweetest thing when your little babe falls asleep nursing in your arms! I love breastfeeding so so much and am so grateful for the way God created our bodies as women to grow, nurture, and sustain life - it will never cease to amaze me!! What a gift!! Soooo beyond smitten with you, my sweet snuggly baby boy!!!


Click here to see a reel I made of one of the most special snow day memories - a precious seven month old baby polar bear asleep on my chest & watching my hubby take our three year old sledding down the big snowy hill in the woods… this truly is what snow day dreams are made of, y’all!! Felt like I was living in a winter dream!!


Click here to see a reel of such a special little memory picking carrots from our very own garden (under the snow) for our “Frosty the Snowman” - a sweet snow day moment that Judson (& we!!) will never forget!!


Click here to see a sweet photodump post from last week - living in the very sweetest days with all these sweet valentines of mine!!!


And we are all just oh so smitten with our tiniest snuggliest new valentine this year in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett - he is just so stinking happy and SWEET and gosh I just wanna eat his sweet chunky little self right up!!! I can’t get enough of him!!! 🫶🏽 He truly is an angel baby sent straight from heaven!!! And our storytime was extraaaa cute last night with these little cutie valentines in their new matching valentines jammies - they are so stinking adorable and my heart can’t take it!!


I am convinced Judson was MADE to be the BEST big brother ever - my sweet precious firstborn!! Sweet Baby Levi Rhett ADORES him and is always smiling and giggling at him like this and my heart cannot take it y’all! And Judson alwaysssss sings “Jesus Loves Me” to him whenever I’m rocking baby to sleep and it is the most precious thing! Sibling love is the sweetest gift and I am so thankful for these little forever besties!!


Judson is obsessed with his fishing pole these days - so we decided to do a little ice pond fishing hehe the other afternoon while we waited for “Dada” to get home from work!! He thought this was the COOLEST thing ever, y’all! I love being a boy mama!! Oh and fetched some eggs from our ladies, too - even in this cold weather, they are some happy girlies!! And loved going on a little “coffee date” downtown with my baby bears - these truly are the days!! Judson wanted a muffin and mama got the tastiest winter latte!! I love being their mama and spending these sweet winter days with them making memories like this!!


Click here to see some photo memories from the best kind of Friday!! We had the best time getting to go visit my beautiful high school bestie, Annie, and her precious little Jobi bear!! Can’t believe he turned two on Sunday and loved getting to celebrate his sweet little self and spend time letting the little ones play - trucks, tractors, trains, gravel, and all things boy!! Also so special letting Annie get to meet and hold Sweet Baby Levi Rhett for the first time!! So special raising our babies together in this season of life and we love y’all so much!!


Also, had the best hair day with my main girl Heather (have been driving back home to see her since college days!!) at Modern Salon (always loveeee having some fresh hair going into the weekend) andddd then made it back home for Friday night dinner out at our favorite little local Mexican spot - which is everyone’s favorite around here


PS. Also have had so much fun getting out all of our valentines decor this week - and it makes me so happy!! Linked it all for y’all over on my LTKit shop!!


My little fam has had the absolute sweetest January so far, as we have been soaking in lots of special winter memories with both of our baby bears - for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first snow last week and our first winter as a family of four!!


This is truly the sweetest season ever and I am just soaking it all in… and somehow, it just keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter because life with these little brother besties (and their growing bond!!) is just such a gift!! I have turned into a big fan of the slower and simpler winter months around here and doing my very best to savor these precious days and memories with allll of my sweet boys!! And “behold” (my word for 2025) all the beauty, joy, and goodness that the Lord has for our growing family in this season!!


Like I always say, having our sweet little ones with us truly makes all the seasons sweeter and just more fun!! My heart has just been filled with such gratitude this week - for special family memories, my sweet boys, and the reminder of the Lord’s goodness through His beautiful Creation around us!!


Click here to see a reel from a sweet and fun Saturday around here!!


There is nothing I love more than a slow cozy rainy Saturday morning with all these precious boys of mine!! Hot coffee, a sleeping baby in my arms and my big boys playing at my feet - these are the days!!


Saturday morning books (“The Little Engine That Could” is a current favorite around here) and puppy dog sweetness with the cutest little brother besties I ever did see before we headed off to a birthday party with our littles!


We had an absolute ball at sweet Brewer’s birthday party at the park that afternoon - Judson loved playing with so many friends and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was just along for the ride in mama’s carrier!!! We loved celebrating Judson’s little buddy and love these friends tons!! Anddd ofcourse we got our sparkle city fav - Grouchos - before heading back home with some sweet sleeping babies in the back seat - worn out from so much fun at the party!! The best way to end such a fun little Saturday!


Click here to see a sweet little Sunday reel I made!!


We got our valentines decor up this past week and love sure is in the air around here and I sure am grateful for all these cutie valentines of mine (& oh so excited to have Sweet Baby Levi Rhett here in our arms for #babysfirstvalentinesday this year)!! I love being queen of the house around here with all these boys of mine hehe (& it makes Valentine’s Day all the more sweet being outnumbered by them all)!!


Click here to see a video of some pure baby sweetness!!


I mean…. talk about some pure Sunday sugar baby sweetness!! It just doesn’t get cuter than this little giggly angel right before nursing and bedtime - he lovessss playing hide and seek these days and has mama completely wrappeddddd around his little finger!!! Goodness we couldn’t love his sweet as sugar self any more - cutest tiniest little happy Valentine baby of ours!!!!


Click here to see a photodump from over the weekend of some special memories with my people and so many of my favorite things - full of cozy winter mornings, lots of baby snuggles, valentines treats (we’ve been decorating and getting in the spirit around here), outside play, baby giggles, sweet brother lovin’, birthday party fun for a little friend, and sweet time with all my cutie valentines!!


Click here to see a sweet little “day in the life” reel from the other day!! I sure do love being their mama bear and spending these precious days with them - watching them learn, play, and grow!!


Always the best start to the day when the baby wakes up and then nurses right back to sleep (smiling!!) in your arms - and getting a quiet little sunrise time with both asleep and the house so quiet!!


And linked Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s little activity center (that now BOTH of my babies have loved!!) for y’all over on my LTKit shop!


Quick little snuggle nap for baby while Judson played trucks and tractors at my feet before heading out to run some errands and then made a little stop afterwards at the park!! A very cold but beautiful sunny day - love these cutie pie baby bears so!!!!


As I said the other day…. we are veryyyyy into “The Little Engine That Could” (which was my favorite book as a child, too) and Judson, all by himself, set up this little train track & a mat for “baby bubba” to play on!! And then grabbed his book and started reading and acting it out!! It was so stinking precious!! Also, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett has learned how to get on all fours now and it’s the cutest thing… he also can “scoot backward” now - strong little buddy!! Go buddy go!!


Click here to see a cute little reel of Judson driving his beloved John Deere tractor through the snow – be still my heart! What a precious core first real snow day (that he will remember!!) memory for our little boy!!


And lastly, click here to see one last little “mid-week photodump” of more precious little photos and memories with our winter baby bears!




I have been so grateful for your constant love and support of this sweet small business of mine over this past year! I can never thank you enough and I will never stop thanking the Lord for the sweet blessing this business has been for our family in this season - especially now that we have another sweet new baby here for all the fun!! I am so excited to keep sharing lots and lots of happy EMC art with y’all in this new year of 2025 now, too!!


All of my popular EMC designs and card sets are perfect to share as the sweetest and most unique gift ideas with all of your friends this new year ahead of us - for all of their special cities, towns, and places - and perfect wall art and stationery for you to stock up on for gifts in the coming months, too!! As always, send me a message to order and I’d love to send some happy EMC art your way, too!


And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along there, too!!


And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, pregnancy items, and finds!!


You can download the app and follow me here:


I am also constantly sharing “links” on my Instagram stories where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!


Like I always say… this blog is such a fun little creative outlet for me and truly just feels like one big “scrapbook” in a lot of ways!! I absolutely love getting to share our lives with you on this EMC Blog as well as over on my personal Instagram page!! We are living in the sweetest days with our newest little baby bear here in our arms and are absolutely loving being a family of four!!

We are absolutely smitten with our Sweet Little Baby Levi Rhett and soaking in allllll the sweet baby snuggles, giggles, and lovin’ these days!! So grateful to have each and every one of you here following along – we love you and this entire EMC Community so!!!

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