2 whole weeks of the sweetest love we’ve ever known!!
You are beautifully and wonderfully made
and perfect in every single way,
our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!
We are so smitten with you and truly can’t get enough of your precious little self!
You are a dream angel baby sent straight from Jesus
(no doubt about that!),
and we are truly living in newborn heaven these days!!
These have truly been the sweetest days of our lives –
full hands and fuller hearts, like I keep saying!!
This seems to be the “anthem” for this season of life!
Life is FULL with TWO baby boys, but goodness, we wouldn’t have it any other way
and it’s everything I prayed for and more… and even sweeter than I could’ve dreamed or imagined!
My heart is constantly a puddle over the sweetness of seeing Judson be the BEST big brother to “his baby” (as he likes to call Levi Rhett – be still my heart!)
and I have never been so proud of him!
He has truly transitioned seamlessly to his new role,
and it is so evident that the Lord made him to be a big brother –
because he is so sweet, gentle, kind, empathetic, and protective of his baby brother already!
Whenever the baby cries, he is always the first to go check on him
and always looks straight at me and says something along the lines of, “He hungry mama. You feed him??” or “Is baby okay?!”
I truly had not set any expectations for Judson in this huge transition,
but boy oh boy, he has BLOWN us away!
You were meant to be a big brother, my sweet firstborn baby boy Judson!!
And Sweet Baby Levi Rhett sure is one lucky baby boy to have you to look up to and be his very best buddy for life!!
The Lord has blessed us beyond measure and these early days at home as a family of four have been the very sweetest of my entire life!
I have always dreamed of a big family (like what I grew up with!), and it is the best feeling in the world getting to raise alllll the babies now with my best friend!
I sure do love you and this beautiful life and family we are building together, Wes –
both here in my great grandparents’ old family farmhouse for this season,
and out on our 15 acre farm sweet farm and slice of heaven!
God is justttt getting started
and the best is truly yet to come!!
As promised in my last blog post (you can go back and read my #birthstory blog here in case you missed it!!),
I wanted to write another sweet little blog post recapping all of the sweet memories since bringing you home from the hospital…
just over a week and a half ago now!!
Keep on reading to see all the sweet pictures, moments, and memories from these early days at home as a family of FOUR!!
These are the DAYS, y’all!!
And now to recap all the sweet memories since my last blog post (aka… since coming home from the hospital and welcoming our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett HOME)!!!
And just like that…
we were headed HOME from the hospital
with our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett in tow!!
And we knew your big brother Judson was SO excited to see you and show you your new home!!
And goodness, there is nothing cuter than seeing your sweet hubby carrying a newborn baby in a carseat… like everyone keeps calling it - the “hot dad walk” -
it’s a real thing y’all!!
Waited 9 whole months to see THE HOT DAD WALK (what the people are calling it these days hehe) out of the hospital!!
Click here to see a silly little reel I put together of the “hot dad walk”– it truly was a sweet moment though haha!! One I’ll always remember!
We were so excited to be bringing our sweet baby boy number two home and for all the #fullhandsfullhearts in store ahead for our family!!
Welcome Home, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! We are officially a family of FOUR and our hearts and home have never felt so full!!
My heart was an absolute PUDDLE all that afternoon and evening of bringing baby Levi Rhett home -
between seeing the utter JOY on my sweet firstborn Judson’s face as he ran out to meet us at the gate and welcome home “his baby” (as he likes to refer to Levi Rhett as - be still my heart), the little kisses Judson kept wanting to give Levi Rhett in his whittle car seat, the sweetness of our sweet puppy dog Red as he gladly welcomed another tiny baby into our home,
the cutest little baby boy decorations my mom had put up all around our yard and home to celebrate,
and just soaking in allll of the preciousness that today’s homecoming of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was!! Truly, all I can keep saying is - Thank you, Jesus!!
He has been SO good to us and blessed us beyond measure with the most perfect angel baby boy addition to our growing family!!! What a precious gift!!
Click here to see a video of the sweetest “homecoming” of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!
His big brother Judson sure was excited to see him!!
Baby Levi Rhett’s first night home was the absolute sweetest!!
He is an angel baby and so content - just loves to nurse and snuggle - a true dream baby!!!
And breastfeeding late night snuggles with my little lump of sugar during that cozy summer thunderstorm going on - goodness, it doesn’t get any cozier than that!!
And Sweet Baby Levi Rhett did great at his very first doctors appt
first thing that next morning!!
He was already back up to birth weight of 8 lb 2 oz
(at just 3 days old!!)
thanks to that “good good milk from mama” (according to Wes lol)
and doctor said he’s healthy
and perfect as can be!!
We feel so blessed and grateful for this true answered prayer and gift from God!!
Here’s to a sweet summer ahead full of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett snuggles home sweet home in our little newborn bubble!!
I sure do love my “son”shine in these sweet boys of mine -
and still can’t believe we have TWO sweet babies to love now!!
Baby bliss is a real thing, y’all!!
There is just something so special about May babies - can’t believe the Lord has now blessed me with TWO of them!!
Just in time for peak blue hydrangea season - God is so good!!!
On our way home from our doctors appointment that first morning back home, we stopped by Wes’ sweet Nana & Papa Jack’s house to let them meet Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! Such a precious memory! Levi Rhett is their NINTH great grandchild - God has blessed them immeasurably more!!
Meanwhile… Judson spent the morning with “Nana” - and she sent me the most adorable video (click through to the end of this post to see!) of Judson’s new favorite activity - mopping and cleaning the porch floor hehe!!
Melted my heart when he said “my mommy might be happy” - he is such a sweetie pie!!!
We are so thankful for Nana and how she has loved and been taking care of our growing family - she is the best of the best!!
And came home to the sweetest lil’ “milk drunk” snuggles from our little breastfeeding champ!! One of my very favorite parts about the newborn stage - I mean… that SMILE!!! And then pure sweetness happened right before Judson’s naptime - and my heart may never recover!! Judson, you are the BEST big brother ever!!! God knew exactly what my heart needed in these two brother besties for life!! You are truly the sweetest angel baby and the best addition to our family, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett! We can’t imagine life without you now!!
Snuggling a newborn baby truly is the very best “Sunday Kind of Love!” We are in newborn heaven with our “son”shine in Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! And truly thanking Jesus this Sunday morning for the most beautiful delivery of our sweet angel baby into the world - we feel so very blessed!! There is just nothing better than these snuggles - I’m in my version of heaven!! My heart truly cannot handle - that’s it, we need 10 more babies, Wes!!
It was the very best kind of Memorial Day Weekend - newborn bubble style!!
My favorite kind of “Sunday kind of love” - slow morning cuddling my newborn and Wes went to grab coffee - #sleepyeyesfullhearts !! We even had a yummy MDW “lunch date” on the porch with my honey while both babies were napping!! Those little baby cheeks, hands, and feet melt us - so tiny and adorable!!
And that Sunday also just so happened to be my first baby Judson’s “birthday eve”- and he’s already been given the best birthday gift of all in “his baby” (as he refers to Levi Rhett as)!! We couldn’t wait to celebrate him that next day with some fun traditions and treats we had planned!!
And as for that night’s “Birthday Eve” storytime for Judson, we read the book we always read the night before a new birthday- “On the Night You Were Born”
“Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born!”
Our forever firstborn and sweet country baby boy Judson is officially THREE years old!!
Happy happy birthday to you!!!
You most definitely got the very BEST birthday gift of all in your sweet baby brother, Levi Rhett, born just 5️ days before your third birthday!!
It feels like just yesterday that I was bringing YOU home from the hospital and learning how to be a “mommy” for the first time - because it was!!
You will ALWAYS be my baby and I am so thankful the Lord chose to bless you with a baby brother - JUST in time for your birthday - so close in age to be your built-in best friend for life!!
What a year it has been, sweet boy!! We closed on our 15 acre farm sweet farm, found out we were pregnant with your baby brother shortly after (all I envisioned throughout my pregnancy is the two of you running wild and free through the pastures and woods - and giving you two the sweetest country childhood just like your daddy),
and have spent the last 9 months getting to soak in allll the final memories as a family of three (with your adorable and FUN 2-year-old self) before welcoming your baby brother just in time to be the most perfect third birthday gift of all!!
You LOVE being outside (24/7 lol), are obsessed with ALL things tractors (we are SO glad we got to throw you a big ol’ tractor-themed birthday party a few weeks early!!), LOVE to play baseball and golf out in the yard (so athletic!), love your puppy dog Red and taking care of your “chick chicks,”
are SO much fun to be around and simply love LIFE!! And most of all… LOVE being a big brother now to your Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!!
You truly are the JOY of our lives, our forever firstborn, and will ALWAYS be my baby -
my sweet Judson Carpenter Mabry!! We are loving seeing you be the BEST big brother ever- and the way you have loved and cared for Levi Rhett already has melted our hearts and shown us (even more!!) just how special you are!!
When God gives you a baby brother just in time for your third birthday! Happy happy birthday, “Big Brother Judson!”
Click here to see the sweetest video of Judson being the sweetest big brother upon meeting his Sweet Baby Levi Rhett for the very first time – be still my heart!!!
Happy happy birthday to our sweet THREE YEAR OLD Judson!!
Oh, how we love you so, sweet baby boy!!! Balloons in your crib, a farm-themed birthday banner,
and an adorable tiny baby brother in the bassinet next to you…
what a happy happy start to the day indeed!!
We sure did love getting to celebrate our sweet birthday boy all day long -
starting with homemade cupcakes - and this year, as a family of FOUR!!!
You are so beyond loved, our sweet Judson!!
My sweet sweet friend Brianna (over at Brianna Warren Photography) came over first thing that morning to take some precious newborn photos for our family - and we are so so grateful for her!!
We are most definitely in a season of #fullhandsfullerhearts and are so thankful she was able to come capture some of these sweet moments for us!! And she even printed some “Polaroid photos” for Judson to keep - this made his whole day!! He is SO proud of his baby brother!!
And not only did she come take newborn photos for us, but she came with the sweetest basket of goodies and even made homemade energy balls and banana bread for us!! You are the best friend, Bri, and I’m so grateful for you!! You are making us feel SO loved in this season!!
Click here to see a sweet little reel I put together of some “behind the scenes” moments as well as “sneak peaks” from our in home newborn session with Bri!!
So thankful for my sweet mama
who loves BOTH of my babies (and Wes and I) so well!!
Loved snapping these special photos of her with my babies!!! And also, Judson loved getting to open up baby Levi’s gift from the Westgates (my sister’s adorable family) - the cutest Kyte Baby onesie and blanket and then a precious animals book that was a “big brother” gift for him!! So thoughtful!!!
And then we ended the evening with Wes’ sweet parents - the boys’ “RaRa & Papa Jack” - bringing over yummy food that Wes’ Nana made (country fried steak and gravy… my favorite & a homemade birthday cake!!) and playing out in the yard all night long - our little country boy Judson’s favorite kind of night!!
He rode his little John Deere tractor until the battery ran out, had Papa Jack drive him around in his little blue car and over to honk at his chickens,
and wanted everyone to snuggle “his baby” - sweet Levi Rhett!! Happy happy birthday, buddy!! You are the absolute JOY of ALL of our lives - and bring fun everywhere you go!!!
Newborn bliss & the sweetest memories of the very first days as a family of four that I pray stay with me forever!
My sweet friend Bri captured the most precious in-home newborn photos for us last week on Judson’s birthday morning (& even printed a few Polaroids right on the spot for Judson) - of sweet baby Levi Rhett at just 5 days old - and sent me a few sneak peaks during a late night nursing session later that night!! And let’s just say… my heart was not ready for that level of sweetness!! The Lord has blessed our family beyond measure and these photos capture our immense JOY and gratitude so beautifully!! We can’t wait to see the rest!!
Scrub a dub dub,
we’ve got a new lil’ baby brother in the tub!!!
There’s just simply nothing sweeter than giving a baby his first sponge bath in the kitchen sink,
and especially this time around getting to see our firstborn Judson be so involved and the BEST little helper!!
He wanted to find Sweet Baby Levi Rhett a towel (and toys hehe)
and is so gentle and protective of his baby brother!!
Be still heart!!
PS. Linked all of our newborn bath essentials over on my LTKit shop (link is later on in this blog post below!!) -
including this adorable new “Blooming Bath” that we are now obsessed with!!
Perfect for a small kitchen sink and for these precious newborn days!!
My version of heaven on earth - it truly doesn’t get any better than this!! Can’t believe that just 6 days ago (from this day!), you were still in my belly… and now I get to snuggle you on the outside and truly can’t imagine my life without you!!
Click here to see a video of the sweetest little newborn snuggles you ever did see!! Thank you, Jesus!!
We surprised our little country and outdoors loving birthday boy with his birthday present - his very own outdoor “mud kitchen” the day after his birthday, and he played with it alllll day long - making us “yummy soups” and all kinds of things - so much FUN!!
My sweet mama (Judson’s “Nana”) got the cutest lil’ video of him playing that afternoon while I was inside nursing the baby - and it just shows how fun and entertaining this toy really is!!
It will keep littles busy for HOURS this summer and perfect for creative play!! Linked this adorable “mud kitchen” for y’all over on my LTKit shop (linked below)!!
And what a sweet lil’ day it was with our 6-day-old newborn - Judson’s adorable baby brother!! Homemade french toast & the cutest lil’ breakfast dates I ever did see,
the sweetest little nursing view - goodness I love these sweet baby boys #fullhandsfullhearts ,
and a little Dunkin iced coffee porch date with my honey while both babies were napping that afternoon,
and just soaking in alllll the tiny baby feet, newborn scrunches,
and snuggles upon snuggles these days (aka heaven on earth)!!
Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is legit the easiest, most content baby ever - truly our angel baby!!! He is along for the ride with all the fun in our household!!!
One whole week of loving you on the outside, our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! You are the perfect addition to our growing family and we truly cannot imagine life without you now!! The Lord has truly been so good to us and blessed us immeasurably more with your precious little life!! #thankyoujesus #sweetbabylevirhett #oneweekoldbaby
“I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.” // Psalm 13:6
“You have filled my heart with greater JOY…” // Psalm 4:7
Newborn bliss as a family of FOUR! Baby bliss is a real real thing and we will be living in newborn heaven for the foreseeable future with all these sweet boys of mine!! These newborn days are so so precious and we are soaking up every single bit of the baby snuggles, sweet family time, watching Judson be the best big brother, and goodness and JOY that the Lord has in store for us this abundant summer season with our tiny angel baby boy here in our arms now!! Thank you, Jesus! You sure have been good to us!!
“… I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more ABUNDANTLY.” // John 10:10
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” // Psalm 127:3
PS. So thankful for my sweet friend Bri over at Brianna Warren Photography who came over to capture these precious memories for us in these early sacred newborn days as a family of four!! She just sent us these few sneak peaks the other day, and we are so in love with them already and can’t wait to see the rest!!
Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first trip (at just 1 week old!!) out to the farm -
what a sweet memory finally getting to bring BOTH of our baby boys out to our 15 acre slice of heaven
on our way home from capturing the most precious newborn photos
with the wonderful My Heart’s Desire Photo at her studio the other morning!!
Thank you, Jesus, for your good good gifts from above in this season of #landandbabies !!
Click here to see a video of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s first trip (asleep haha) out to our farm sweet farm… as well as some sweet “behind the scenes” moments from our studio newborn session! Such precious memories!!
The night Sweet Baby Levi Rhett turned one week old,
we went on our very first family walk as a party of FOUR (five plus Red!!) -
and our hearts (& hands) are so full!!
Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is one week old (as of this picture) and it also just so happened to be our sweet puppy dog Red’s 5th birthday that day!!
You are the best dog in the whole wide world, Red man, and we love you so!! It has melted our hearts to see how much you love Sweet Baby Levi Rhett already and how you love and protect BOTH of your babies now so well!! You are the “goodest boy” ever and we can’t imagine life without you!!
PS. I linked this Mockingbird double stroller (that we love!) for y’all over on my LTKit shop (link is at the bottom of my blog!) - so make sure to go follow along with me there to shop this and all of my other mommy/baby/toddler finds!! Judson loved getting to “stroll around” in his new seat attachment with his baby brother in tow - couldn’t recommend it more!!
The next day was a “stay in our jammies all day and porch swing rockin’ kind of afternoon” - and there’s truly no place I’d rather be than here nursing and snuggling my sweepy whittle newborn “son”-shine while he’s giving me the cutest little “milk drunk” smiles hehe!!
Click here to see the sweetest porch swing cuddles!!
Happy 5th birthday to Red!! 5 years of the sweetest puppy lovin’ from our “Red man” - the “goodest boy” there ever was!! Judson (born May 27th), Levi Rhett (May 22nd), and Red (May 29th) are all born within one week of each other - how special!! God loves to give us Mabry May babies around here I guess!!
That next morning, we drove out to Pelzer to have Meribeth (who took our maternity photos out on the land, too!!) take Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s studio newborn photos -
and Judson was such a good big brother and I know these pictures are going to be such treasures for our family!!
And after getting our photos done, we stopped by next door at the cutest little local cafe downtown called Cotton Duck Cafe, and it was so yummy!! We even celebrated with some icecream as a treat for such a big, fun morning!! Judson LOVES showing off his baby brother out and about, and we had the best little time before both babies tuckered out and napped the whole carride home!!
And on our way back, we ended up driving by our land to take Sweet Baby Levi Rhett on his first trip out to the farm!! He slept right through it hehe- but such a special memory!!
We are so beyond grateful for this 15 acre farm sweet farm and slice of heaven that the Lord has blessed our family with - the best truly is yet to come!!!
We all can’t get enough of this sweet baby boy!! And are all SO thankful for my sweet mama, “Nana,” who has been keeping us fed, happy & healthy this past week!!
And just for fun , “Dada” took Judson out of the house for some errands (& to see the tractors at Lowe’s ofcourse!) and come back with coffee for mama!! Such a gift having him home on paternity leave these early days and cheers to a sweet weekend ahead with just the boys!
“Grandpa Columbus” came by to visit for popsicles and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett snuggles on the porch - he loves this baby so much and truly is family to us… and makes me feel like my Mamaw and Papaw are here with us, too!
And just a little John Wesley Mabry appreciation note… You are truly the BEST hubby and daddy to our TWO babies now, Wes,
and there is NO better feeling in the whole wide world than seeing the man of my dreams holding the beautiful children the Lord has blessed us with -
memories I will hold dear in my heart forever and ever!!
I sure do love raising babies with you!!
I fall even more and more in love with you every single day watching you do skin-to-skin with our babies in the hospital (those early moments melt me),
cuddle and rock our babies to sleep, care for me so so well (always!) and be the best leader of our family!!
I am so grateful to have you home these early early newborn days as we joyfully adjust to life as a family of 4 (still doesn’t feel real!!) and truly cherishing these special memories we are making!! Our hands may be full, but our hearts sure are fuller!!
Full hands and fuller hearts at Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s one-week old appointment!!
Baby Brother’s One Week Old Appointment went great!!
He weighed 8 lb 14 oz (74th percentile) - so already way above his birth weight of 8 lb 2 oz (which they said is incredible with him just being 9 days old at the time haha)!!
Baby is perfectly healthy and they said that mama’s milk is doing a great job -
he is one happy content baby and is an overachiever with his poops and pees and healthy as can be!!
And Judson was the best big brother
and helper for Levi Rhett!
We couldn’t be prouder of him
and how he has already stepped up into his new role!!
Oh, how we love and are so grateful to Jesus for our TWO sweet happy, healthy baby boys!!!
Welcoming in June with our sweet whittle tiny angel newborn and all the sweet summer naps and snuggles on the porch ahead!!
Goodness gracious I’m in newborn heaven -
give me alllllll the babies, Wesley Mabry, hehe!
Second babies are truly just “along for the ride” - and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett has been the best little sleeper already and truly such a dream baby!!
And Judson is truly LOVING being a big brother - which has blown me away and constantly melts my heart - and these two brother besties have me wrapped around their finger!!!
My sweet cousins - The Jones - brought dinner over for us this week (so sweet!!) and Nick even got to get some Sweet Baby Levi Rhett snuggles!!
Our sweet baby boy LOVES being outside - just like his big “bubba” Judson - so we like to spend lotssss of time out on our screened-in porch (especially on our porch swing) and back deck, too!! Simply the BEST for these sweet newborn summer days!!
Life lately has looked like watering the garden while baby brother is napping away,
bedtime routine & storytime are extraaa cute these days,
and there is nothing like waking up to the sweetest lil’ nursing view - full bed & fuller hearts (like I keep saying)!! Yay for sweet sweet summertime with both of my babies!!
Full bed & fuller hearts this past sweet slow Sunday morning with our one-week-old newborn - I sure do love all these precious boys of mine to love!!! Thank you, Jesus!
Sweetest little Sunday with our sweetie pie little lump of sugar!!
We are completely head over heels in love and smitten with our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett and can’t get enough of his sweet little newborn self!!!
Judson calls him “my baby” and he really is like a real life baby doll - just the sweetest little thing!!! I don’t think anyone can prepare you for the sweetness of seeing your babies love each other -