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Three Whole Months of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett


Updated: Aug 24, 2024

Happy happy three months of the sweetest lovin’

from our tiny little bright blue-eyed ray of SONshine,

Sweet Baby Levi Rhett (and his adorable whittle dimples hehe)!!

You truly are just a pure bundle of love, joy, light, and goodness –

and such a sweet gift from Jesus!

This month has been SUCH a sweet one –

full of your very first trip to the beach

(you are officially a “beach baby” just like your big brother, Judson!),

dipping your toes in the ocean (you love the water!),

allll the sleepy newborn snuggles on front porch swings and rocking chairs these days,

lovin’ and kisses from your big brother who absolutely ADORES you (be still my heart!!),

your very first time going to church (and you slept right through it all on mama’s chest hehe!),

slow summer front porch mornings,

summer nights out with the chickens and in the garden,

a couple weekends spent back home in Charlotte,

lots of family pool days,

your first trip to the airport overlook watching all the planes take off (that again, you slept right through hehe),

lots of walks at so many different beautiful trails and parks, and so much more!!

I LOVE this age because you are still so snuggly and tiny and you are smiling and talking ALL the time (you have found your voice and it is the cutest thing!),

love to giggle with mama,

are SUCH a good sleeper (already sleeping through the night!),

and are holding your head up like such a champ - our strong, happy, and healthy baby boy!!


You are such an easygoing and content little baby,

and like I always say, truly just “along for the ride” as the second born child…

and I love it!!

I am so loving being a mama of TWO baby boys and truly feel like I am living my dream come true these days!!

I love raising babies with my best friend and making all kinds of “first” memories as a brand new family of four (!!)

these precious #newbornandtoddler days!!

My very favorite thing is seeing how much your adoring big brother Judson loves on and takes care of you…

it has shown me just how special, tender, kind, and compassionate he is and I have never been prouder of him!!

I truly could cry just typing that… because man,

it was such a gift getting to pour into him during the days of just us two…

and now look what God has done and he is truly THRIVING in his new role as big brother!

And little Levi Rhett always smiles when Judson plays with and dotes on him… and it truly just melts my heart to a million pieces every single time!


With our hands full of blessings (in our babies!) and hearts full of gratitude,

I truly feel like the luckiest mama in the whole wide world to get to raise these precious gifts from God with my very best friend and am soaking up this sweet season so very much!!

We love you more than you could ever know, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett, and thank God for your precious life and truly can’t imagine our family without you now!!

We are oh so smitten with you!!


And now to recap all the sweet memories since my last blog post (aka… the last month – so if you haven’t already… make sure to go read my

Soooo with that being said… let’s start off with recapping allll the sweet memories from this past month:

Being their “mommy” really is the dream job (& no one can convince me otherwise) and all I ever wanted to be in life - I wouldn’t miss these precious days with my babies for anything in the world!!! There is nothing better than getting to spend my days loving on and nurturing my babies, and they truly are the joys of my life!!


I live for sweet little back deck afternoons playing with these cuties while we wait for “Dada” to get home from work - and Judson is loving his sailboat these days and was soooo excited for the beach that coming weekend ahead - it’s all he would talk about haha!!! And eek we were so excited to bring our little newborn to the beach for his very first trip!!


Click here to see the sweetest little reel of back deck playing!


One thing about me… is I am a bigggg fan of post-dinner evening walks!!! It truly is the best way to end the night - catching up with your hubby and getting your babies out in nature right before they go down! Highly recommend!!


And y’all… Wes literally came home the other night and the first thing he did when he came up to give me a hug was comment on how good and “soft” (that’s the word he used haha) my skin looked!!! Made me feel good!!!!


This Oliveda skincare is MAGIC y’all… I’m telling you!! I even got compliments the other day at the nail salon - no joke!! Let me build you a cart with my favorite products and let’s get your skin “soft” and glowy, too hehe!!


You can “shop with me” here or take this “personal quiz” to see what will be best for your skincare needs!! And as always, send me a DM over on Instagram and I’d love to chat clean beauty and skincare with you - something I’m sooo passionate about in this season of having and raising babies!!!#oliveda #olivedaofficial #olivedaglow #waterlessbeauty #cleanbeauty #waterlessskincare


Click here to see a sweet little reel from this particular evening walk!


These truly are the days!! I’m hereeee for all the simple, slow, and sweet days with my babies - no where to be but with them! Being their mommy is the most important thing I will ever do and a gift I will never take for granted! Motherhood is the most beautiful calling there is - raising tiny disciples in our own little homes!!


Living the sweetest lil’ mama of two life these days - I love these happy baby boys SO! While I was nursing the baby this particular morning, Judson asked if he could “hold bubba” and man, I will never get over how much of a gift it is how much he loves being a big brother - you were made for this, baby!! And then, was rocking the baby down for his morning nap, I came back and Judson said “Mama, look what I painted you” - gosh put a fork in me!! And on the little paper towel, too!!!

And lunch time these days consists of a messy highchair, a happy dog getting scraps from the toddler, and a sweet sweepy newborn in the bouncer… these are the views I will always hold in my memory as the “good ol’ days” - and soaking in sweepy milk drunk smiles and snuggles while big bro was napping - simply the best thing in life!!


Click here to see this video of a little “day in the life” these days!


Judson specifically asked if HE could give his baby brother his bath the other night - he did so good y’all!! This firstborn baby boy y’all… we don’t deserve him!!! He truly is thriving as a big brother and it’s been such an answered prayer of mine!! Like my mama always says… everyone wants to be “wanted, needed, and loved!”


And I mean… can our little newborn be ANY cuter?!? Gosh we are smitten with you, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett!! (ps. nothing I mean NOTHING beats a squeaky clean baby straight out the kitchen sink hehe)!!


ALSO… linked all of our baby bathtime essentials for y’all (including this amazing “Blooming Bath” for the kitchen sink bath days!!) over on my LTKit app… so make sure to go follow and “shop with me” there if you haven’t already!! #babybathessentials


Click here to see the sweetest brother bathtime fun!!


We have been blown away by how well our garden has done this year!! Just like our chickens (who have been laying like crazy ever since I found out I was pregnant with baby #2… and now he’s here - notttt a coincidence but a “god wink” if you ask me) , our garden must know it needs to keep feeding our growing fam as well hehe!!


Happy chickens, happy garden and happy mama - I love this simple and sweet little life we are building for our babies!!


Click here to see our happy garden these summer days!!


It really is beautiful those little moments when God stops you in your tracks and you truly KNOW heaven meets earth and you’re getting a little glimpse of it… and this… this was one of them for sure!!


Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was literally “smiling into sleep” and I was actually a puddle - that little sleepy milk drink smile and sigh at the end… you have to listen!! I was texting my best friend and honestly, I KNOW this baby came straight from Jesus - he truly is my little angel and I just have never been happier in my whole life than being mama to my TWO baby boys!! And I especially soak up these moments rocking him to sleep when big brother is napping - what precious precious days these are!!


Click here to see a video of this precious little memory!! Be still my heart!


Happy happy 9 weeks of life with this handsome and happy lil’ country baby boy!!! Oh how we LOVEEEE you, Sweet Baby Levi Rhett… you are truly our little bundle of boy and pure JOY!!


Also… peep the cutest cow bubble from his Auntie Alexandra!! So perfect for this season of chasing dreams out on our farm sweet farm with you here in our arms now, too!! We all adore you so, our sweet angel baby boy - you are truly perfect in every way and everything we could’ve dreamed of and more… how did we ever live without you?!


Click here to see the sweetest pics and videos of our baby boy at 9 weeks old!


Just a collection of sweet summer moments with our sweet summer babies!!!

It really is all about the simple little moments - like every morning nursing my newborn with a toddler playing trucks at my feet - that you will store in your memory bank forever!!

Man… these really are the good days - full of allll the snuggles, garden fun, morning/evening walks, and baby feet hehe!!! I sure do love our little life and these cutie pie babies we are raising!!

God has blessed us beyond measure with these brother besties and how special it is getting to chase our dreams while raising babies!!


So thankful to God for our happy happy healthy bright blue-eyed baby boy at his 2-month check-up this month

(and his proud big brother who helped him be so “brave”

and lovesss going with him and leaving with “stickers” from all of the staff hehe)!!!

Sweet Baby Levi Rhett was exactly 12 lb (he even smiled at the nurse and us when we weighed him - melting everyone in the office’s hearts per usual ) and 23.45 inches long and strong and healthy as can be!!! He truly is our content little angel baby andddd he was so so brave for his shots!!

He barely even fussed (even though it’s so hard on mama’s heart ofcourse) and then nursed and went right back to sleep!

We love him so much and are so grateful to Jesus for him - our tiniest new little ray of SONshine on this rainy day!!

And then we came back home, big brother was asleep for his nap, andddd I soaked in alllll the newborn front porch swing rainy day snuggles hehe!! I sure do love being their mommy - truly my dream come true and I am just overwhelmed with gratitude for these gifts from God in my babies!!


Click here to see some sweet front porch rainy day rocking hehe… but really, there’s no place I’d rather be than home rocking and raising my babies these days!!


Click here to see a sweet little moment I captured of Judson running into “Dada’s” arms out by the garden one night! We are living the sweet and simple little nights I’ve always dreamed of with our babies!! This is your sign to buy those chickens and plant that garden, too!!


Click here to see another lil’ morning in the garden with my little love while the baby was sleeping - picking another beautiful bouquet of homegrown flowers and tomatoes!!

It really has been so neat this year with our garden…

because I’ve ALWAYS loved flowers (they bring me so much JOY and show me so much of God’s attention to detail and love for beauty) … so I thought, why not grow my own?!


Had such a fun little time delivering some fresh homegrown flowers and tomatos to a sweet friend of mine that morning - and Judson even got to play with his little friend hehe!! It’s so important to me to teach my babies the importance of “making someone’s day” - because we really do all need sunshine in our lives… so why not be the one to spread it?!


Andddd back home with big brother down for his nap, I got to soak up the snuggles with my tiniest little newborn who’s been extra snuggly - and the most heavenly baby breaths - the best “flower” of all (hehe get it?!)!!


The rest of our afternoon/evening lookeed like a whole lot of packing and prepping for the beach and we were SO excited to take Sweet Baby Levi Rhett to our “happy place” (& his first big roadtrip slash trip!!) for the very first time and dip those tiny toes in the water!!


Sweet little precious moments of this #newbornandtoddlersummer so far that I want to bottle up forever and ever!! As y’all know… summertime, baby snuggles, front porches, and flowers will forever be my favorite things in life hehe - soooo this really is the summer of my dreams!!

And there is truly nothing in the world like seeing your babies love each other (this one morning in particular that melted my heart - Levi Rhett smiling SO big up at his “big bubba”) and like my mom has said, I really do think Judson was made to be a big brother… because he is truly thriving in new role and I’m constantly a puddle over here!!!  We were finishing up packing this morning and headed to the family beach house later that day (for Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first time… eek!!) and so full of gratitude for this little life with our babies and these special precious summer days!!!


If you’re new here to my blog… welcome to my current passions (other than lettering art, ofcourse!) and what I like to share about on my personal Instagram page: staying home with my babies, homegrown flowers from my very own garden, & clean beauty/SKINCARE hehe!!


No joke y’all… someone the other day commented on my skin (randomly!) and my nurse at the doctor’s office is now interested in trying Oliveda - The results are just that good… and my skin has never been so healthy and glowy!!!! Message me over on Instagram for details!!


I mean… are you kidding?! This video is no makeup & straight out of the shower (in some good natural lighting) - the results truly DO speak for themselves (and this is the video I took less that ONE WEEK in, y’all)!!!


Andddd Oliveda recently announced that you get their AMAZING eye elixir for FREE when you purchase just 2 (!!) items from your skincare quiz!! I mean… now’s the time to try it!! And truly… you can just start with a cleanser, serum, and moisturizer and see results fast! Let me know if you’d like me to build a personalized cart for you!! I’m truly just here to help and serve YOU on your way to confident glowy skin!!


Also… it’s FREE shipping on ANY order over $50 AND there’s a 365 (yes… 365!!!) day return policy y’all - so even if you try it and don’t love it (but I can promise you… you will!!), you can return it right back and get all of your money back!!! I mean, truly, you’ve got NOTHING to lose… let’s get you glowing girl!!! Take the “personalized skincare quiz” here and let’s get started!! 💫🌞🫶🏽 #oliveda #olivedaofficial #olivedaglow #olivedaresults #olivedagirl #olivedaskincare #waterlessskincare #cleanbeauty











We made it to our “happy place” with a brand new tiny addition in our arms this year!!! #babysfirstbeachtrip


Our hearts and hands were full of blessings!! So grateful to Jesus for our tiniest blessing we got to bring to our favorite place for his very first beach trip!! We made it down just in time for sunset and it was truly just a dream - getting to sit here and see Wes with our TWO baby boys in my favorite place in the world! There truly is just something about the coast that this summer-loving heart of mine has always loved - coming to this EXACT same beach every summer since I was a little girl!! What a gift getting to bring my OWN babies here now, too!!!


Vacation mode is officially ON and there truly is nothing I love more than rocking a newborn baby with this breathtaking view - I was sooo beyond happy to be here for the week with our babies!!!

Also… there was the BEST live music playing at the little bar right down the marsh from us - Sweet Baby Levi Rhett fell right to sleep in our arms to it hehe - such an angel baby!! Yay for vacation and all the family time and newborn snuggles by the best sound machine of all… the ocean hehe!!!!


Click here to see a sweet reel from us arriving to the beach house!


And Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first road trip could not have gone better!!

Both babies were down for naps about 0.5 seconds into our trip -

so that’s a mom & dad win for sure haha!!

Also… peep Judson sleeping holding his whittle sailboat and their matching brother doggy lovies - cutest thing ever!!

We stopped at our favorite beach road trip stop (Smithfield’s BBQ ofcourse hehe)

and then a quick little nursing stop (it will forever be the tiny whittle crossed feet for me) and the boys came back with a Dunkin coffee for mama hehe - vacay mode was officially ONNNN!!!

Someone (Judson hehe) sure was happy to go get a donut with “Dada” and baby brother was smiling up a storm with mama -

he is the happiest most content whittle baby (I had to wake him up to nurse - and right after, we were back driving and went right back to asleep again) and we’re all OBSESSED with his sweet little self!!! We made it down to the beach house just in time for sunset and loved getting to start our vacation off with some sweet newborn snuggles overlooking the marsh - truly nothing better!!


As always, I linked all of our baby/toddler roadtrip essentials (and beach/travel essentials) for y’all over on my LTKit shop - so make sure to go follow along and “shop with me” there, if you haven’t already!! I love linking all things lifestyle, motherhood, family, and travel for y’all there that I’m using and loving!!


Click here to see a sweet reel of my heart in motherhood!!


“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.” // Psalms 127:3


Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first time dipping his little toes in the ocean and it was just the sweetest core memory for our new family of FOUR!!


So special bringing our precious newborn to the beach so little… just like we did with Judson!!

And looks like we have another lil’ beach baby on our hands because he was content and happy as can be with that ocean breeze, gorgeous sunset, and sand on his whittle toes!!!

Oh, how I love all these “beach boys” of mine!!


Happy is as happy does, as Kenny Chesney says hehe - and there is nothing more special or happy than bringing our newest lil’ beach baby down to our “happy place” for his very first time!!


Woke up to the most beautiful sunrise over the marsh - truly my favorite way to spend a slow Sunday morning!

I love being a boy mama - constantly covered in babies, snuggles, kisses, andddd trucks and tractors on my feet hehe - my dream come true!!

Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is living his best little life down here and is such a dream baby… I mean… I want 10 more of him!!

And we’ve been having oh so much fun in the sun by the pool

with our little water-loving fishie

who is doing so well with his swimming

(& sweet sleepy baby brother in mama’s arms)!!

Andddd we got both babies down for naps (linked our favorite little baby dome for y’all on my LTKit app - the BEST for beach/pool days with a baby!!) and got to have sweet some pool time with my handsome baby daddy honeyyyy blasting Kenny Chesney (duh!) - it truly just doesn’t get better than this right here!


Being here in God’s breathtaking Creation to watch the sun rise and set over the water with a newborn baby in my arms… there’s just truly nothing that fills me with more awe and wonder… and reminds me just how BIG God is and small we are… and that is the most beautiful thing!! Truly couldn’t be more grateful for this time away with my new family of four!!


Click here to see a little video reel of my version of heaven on earth… for real though… beach naps with a “little bitty baby” just hit different!!

I’m fully convinced (& you can’t change my mind) there is NOTHING better than sleepy snuggly newborn baby cuddles with the sand between your toes and the ocean as God’s built-in sound machine!!


Truly couldn’t be any happier than this right here - in our happy place as a brand new family of four!! Full hands and fuller hearts by the coast - what a gift!!


Being a boy mom means you get to be “their girl” and it truly is the best (anddddd I sure do love being queen of the house these days hehe)!! Nothing in the world like being loved by all THREE of these cutie pie “beach boys” of mine and getting to take our Sweet Baby Levi Rhett to dip his little toes in the ocean for the very first time this beach trip!!


Click here to see a video of dipping Levi Rhett’s little toes in the ocean for the very first time – be still my heart!!


Nothing quite like experiencing your baby’s very first beach day…and we for sure have another “beach baby” on our hands y’all!!! This is your “sign” to take your sleepy newborn to the beach hehe - it’s truly been the best and the sweetest memories of our lives!!


Click here to see a recap video of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first beach day!


Our day in words… it started off with the best kind of early morning front porch rocking over the marsh with my honey… dream kind of morning y’all!! And our only plans for the day… beach & sunshine with our babies!!

My sweet mama and best friend got here late the night before and we spent our mornings chatting and drinking coffee with the sweetest little snuggly bebe -

these are the sweetest newborn days!!

Beach days are simply the BEST days!!! We were all just oh so happy to be there for the week!! And Judson was loving having another “beach baby bestie” this year (even if he sleeps in our arms mostly hehe)!! 

Nights like this forever- babywearing a sleepy newborn, diggin’ in the sand, evening sunset beach walks, shrimp scampi for dinner, and just soaking it alllll up!!

This was hands-down our favorite beach trip yet - and still pinching myself that we had TWO beach babies with us this year!!


The happiest (& snuggliest) little beach baby mama ever did see!!! 


Just a collection of sweet memories from Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s very first full beach day - couldn’t have been sweeter from start to finish (with alllll the newborn snuggles ofcourse)!!

And goodness gracious we sure love our sweet beach lovin’ baby boy number TWO!!!

I love that God keeps giving us summer babies who love the coast just as much as we do!!

Sweet Baby Levi Rhett is happy as can be and has been living his best life hehe!!

And “big bubba” Judson is thriving as always - soaking in alllll the fun in the sun, sand castle making, pool splashing, and “showing his baby brother the ropes” -

beach days truly are the best days and we were making the sweetest beach memories as a brand new family of four!!! My mama heart was just oh so full!!


We had ourselves the best little time with our cutie pie newest beach baby - who lovessss the beach and was napping napping away with that warm breeze and God’s “built in sound machine” hehe!!


And our forever beach baby Judson was having the time of his life - running right into the waves, digging in the sand with new little friends he made (it’s the cutest seeing them play so well together),

and just having so much fun in the sun!! We love him so!!

After the babies’ naps (and watching the Olympics - gooo team USA!!) we stayed out on the beach until sunset and these beach babies sure do love the coastal life - just like their mama & dada!! Also… Judson’s little “mid-shoveling” kiss to his “baby bubba” melted this mama’s heart!!!

We ended the evening out by the pool at sunset with our little water babies -

and Sweet Baby Levi Rhett even got in, too, and loved the water on his whittle feet!!


We loveeee having beach-loving water babies in our fam and it truly is the best!! We take our babies to the beach pretty much right after they are born… so it’s really all they know - and these beach day newborn snuggles and beach chair nursing sessions are everythinggg!! We dipped Judson’s little toes in the ocean at just 6 weeks old, and now Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s at 9 weeks old! There really is nothing sweeter than a precious little beach baby… and so surreal that now we have TWO of them!!


Click here to see a little reel I made about just this… raising our babies to loveeee the beach (just like their “mama and dada” hehe)!!


Click here to see a video I got of rocking the baby to sleep out over the marsh! Sooo peaceful!


I mean… is there anything better than starting off a beach day rocking a baby looking out over God’s beautiful magnificent Creation - and being in complete awe of the perfect little Creation in your arms?!

Click here to see cute pics and videos I took to celebrate the happiest 10 weeks of the cutest dimple smiles and lovin’ from our sweet precious little beach baby!!!!

You really are a real life baby doll and we can’t get enough of your happy tiny self these days - our bundle of “son”shine JOY!!!


Welcoming in August down at our favorite place… the coast!!

Beach days are the best days - amen and amen!!!

So much fun in the sun and front porch rockin’ with our sleepy newborn in our arms,

our ocean/water-loving toddler,

and the best “Nana” around - man, these are the days!!!

“Dada” took Judson on his first “boogie board” ride down the water and he had a ball!! And sweet baby boy snoozed away - my kind of beach afternoon!!

And that night’s sunset over the water was nothing short of breathtaking - we were just soaking it allllll up!!!


And this babyyyyyy y’all!!!! Sweet Baby Levi Rhett slept through the through the night the morning he turned 10 weeks old… we have been so blessed by this angel baby and how good of a sleeper he is!!! And he wakes up SO happy every morning… I mean, THAT SMILE MELTS ME!!!! He is our JOY bomb!!!!!


These are hands-down the happiest days of my life yet - goodness gracious I love being wifey and mommy to our sweet little beach babies!!!!


Click here to see a little reel I made about my heart in being a “mama” – it really is my dream job and I love being a stay-at-home mommy to my precious baby boys these days!! In a world that will tell you everything else… I truly believe in the beauty and JOY of being a wife and sahm mama raising these little souls to love and know Jesus, and consider it such a privilege and gift to spend my days raising and nurturing them… and yes mamas, what you are doing is enough and matters more than you will ever know!!


My own sweet mama (and greatest role model in motherhood!!) candidly captured this precious video of Sweet Baby Levi Rhett smiling on mama’s chest after a little post-beachday nursing session and it just makes me smile so big - goodness I love that little dimple smile and his sweet little self so stinkin’ much!! Being “mama” is the best gift ever and I am so thankful Jesus entrusted me with these precious little babies of mine to nurture and love in this sacred season of life!!


I sure do love these cutie beach boys of mine!!!


Full hands and fuller hearts for this year’s beach trip and we couldn’t be more grateful!! The Lord has blessed us beyond measure with this precious growing family of ours and we are so thankful for these good good gifts from above in our sweet baby boys!! I truly just feel like I keep “pinching myself” that this is my life and I am truly living my dream come true being wifey to Wes and mommy to my babies!! Thank you, Jesus, you have been so very good to us!!


“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” // Ephesians 3:20-21

My sweet sweet beach baby boy SONshines and my whole stinking heart!! Goodness, I love being their mama so!!


Boy mama life is… seeing an excavator come by on the marsh and stopping everything you’re doing… and knowing your excavator-loving toddler’s whole week has been made!!


Click here to see the video – sooo stinking cute! A core memory for Judson for sure!

 Boy mama life really is oh so sweet - trucks, tractors, and excavators are everything these days!!! These are the little core moments and memories I pray I always remember!!!


Being a mom is saying “hi” to your baby over and over again… just to see those smiles!! Click here to see a video of them! And goodness do I love those little smiley coos, too!!!

Sweet Baby Levi Rhett sure was happy and excited for another beach day - chit-chatting away!!! Utterly obsessed with this dream blue-eyed baby number two of ours, y’all!!!


One day you’re falling in love with him… and the next you’re raising your babies together… and it is the sweetest season of our lives yet!! I sure do love raising babies with you, Wes, and taking them to our favorite place!!


Click here to see this little reel I made of our family sunset beach photos!


Just a collection of memories from the happiest beach week yet with a brand new baby in tow and our very first trip as a family of four!!


I was in heaven soaking up all the beach day snuggles -

cuddling this sweet angel baby while watching my big boys playing right in front of me - truly nothing better!!!

Starting every morning with front porch rockin’, coffee sipping, and quality conversation with my sweet mama (& best friend) -

there is nothing better than slow mornings down at the beach!! Wave chasing, sand castle making, newborn beach naps on mama, ice slushies, and just soaking in the sun with the people I love - so so grateful for these precious beach days!!! Also… peep the baby boys’ matching swimsuits - Levi Rhett has been wearing Judson’s old ones hehe!! And so loved Wes and I’s little “day dates” out on the back porch overlooking the marsh while the babies were napping!!

Anddddd our little fishie Judson sure has been having FUN swimming this beach trip - swim baby swim!!!

Spent our final beach night out on the dock with my precious boys last night - and soaked it allll up!!! And ended the evening with a little icecream shop trip - and y’all… we were cracking UP at Sweet Baby Levi Rhett’s little grin at Wes’ icecream cone!!! I mean, soooo stinking cute haha!!! Goodness gracious I love these beach boys of mine!!!


Click here to see a reminder to… build a life you LOVE to live! Chase those God-given dreams and live on purpose, friends!! But really… we truly do only have this one beautiful abundant life to live down here on Earth, and I don’t know about you…. but I sure do want to make the most of it with the people I love - my little family!! And as I was talking with my best friend… it’s definitely a good feeling to be leaving vacation knowing that you love your life back home just as much - raising our sweet little babies!!


It was the sweetest beach trip ever as our very first time as a family of four!!! But the best part is, we are so happy to be heading home today with full hearts and our two sweet babies to our little simple country life we absolutely adore - and chasing dreams out on our farm sweet farm these days!! Anddddd we will be back here again at our “happy place” in just a couple more weeks!! See you SO soon, OKI!!


***And speaking of chasing dreams…. I am having oh so much fun with my new Oliveda business and team - and have been LOVING chatting with so many of you about it!! If you are even at ALL interested in learning more about our CLEAN (& effective!!) waterless skincare products OR joining our growing team as a consultant and making some additional side income for your family - please send me a message!! I’d love love love to chat with you and serve/help you any way that I can!! DM me over on Instagram today and come join in on all the FUN! #olivedaconsultant #oliveda #olivedaofficial #waterlessskincare


You can check it all out here:



It makes me smile knowing that my sweet little babies are half me and half the person I love!! And goodness we sure are smitten with them!!!  I love raising “SONshines” with my very best friend in the world - these truly are the days and we are soaking up every bit of this #newbornandtoddlersummer around here!!


Click here to see the sweetest video of some beach brother lovin!!


Happiness is having a husband who is an amazing dad… and it makes you fall in love with them even more every single day!!


Click here to see this reel, too!!


The day after we got home from the beach, we took Sweet Baby Levi Rhett to church for the very first time… and he slept right through it on mama’s chest!!

Very first time taking Sweet Baby Levi Rhett to church

and goodness I love my sweet family of four so  - Thank you, Jesus!!


I love this sweet snuggly baby so!!! And made it back for Sunday lunch and a little “tractor ride” by the garden for Judson before both babies went down for naps - we sure do love slow Sunday afternoons around here!! It sure does feel good to be home sweet home with my boys!!


Click here to see a video of our very first time taking Sweet Baby Levi Rhett to church – such a sweet memory!!


Click here to see a fun little video I took out by the garden…


Home isn’t a place… it’s a feeling! And that’s the truth!!

Whatever “home” feels like to you… do lots and lots of that!! For me, that’s spending quality time with my growing family and flowers… always flowers!!

Like Wes always says… babies and flowers will forever be the way to my heart hehe!! After a wonderful week away on the coast, it really did feel so so good to be home sweet home with full hands and fuller hearts - a sweet sleeping newborn in my arms and a garden full of butterflies and fresh flowers to cut!!