As many of y’all know, my whole heart behind EMC from the very very beginning has been to help spread and shine the love and light of Jesus into the lives of others through lettering art and encouraging words. It has been such a joy to use this lettering art business as a creative outlet and way to share encouraging words, hope, and light – because I believe that this is something we are all called to do in our own unique ways.
And I can never thank each of you enough for following along with this creative business of mine and sharing EMC designs and cards with so many of your loved ones for graduation gifts, Mother’s Day gifts, and “just because!” My hope and dream is that every single one of us can be part of the movement towards love, light, beauty, joy, and hope – and continue spreading it like wildfire!
I’ve talked about this a lot recently, but I think - now more than ever- it is so so important that we daily (actually moment-by-moment) fix our eyes on Jesus and set our minds on things above. In uncertain times like these in our country, we need to continue to remember where our true hope lies - and point others to this eternal hope, too!
As it said so beautifully in my New Morning Mercies devotional the other morning, “Faith is living in light of what God has said, resting in what he has done, and entrusting the future to his care.”
So often, I think we forget the power that we have in Jesus and the light that is burning so brightly inside of us. He is the true light and we are simply vessels and image-bearers of His light and love during our short time here on Earth. And as believers, we are called to let our lights SHINE (Matthew 5:16)!
Thomas Rhett puts it so beautifully in his new song “Be A Light,” and especially with these lyrics that say, “In a world full of hate, be a light...Don’t hide in the dark, you were born to shine. In a world full of hate, be a light.”
As it is always said, the light truly does shine brightest in the darkness. And one of my favorite verses in scripture is and always has been,
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5
So let your lights shine, sweet friends. The light that is inside of you is brighter than any darkness you are facing or ever will face in this life. And it is brighter than any darkness that this world may throw your way. We have a power inside of us that is greater, that is stronger, and that is absolutely unstoppable and can break EVERY chain!
And remember, you are never alone and Jesus loves you - just as you are and for exactly who He uniquely created you to be! Let HIS light shine in and through you, and out into this world. This world needs the unique light that only you can bring!
In my Jesus Calling Devotional the other morning, the words so powerfully read: “This world is increasingly dark, but the Light of My Presence is as bright as ever. In fact, my Glory shines more vividly against the dark backdrop…”
Right now, so many people in our country are hurting. Our brothers and sisters are hurting. My heart is hurting, and I know yours is too. And now, more than ever, our world needs light and hope. And as Christians, we need to look more like Jesus and stand up for our brothers and sisters and be headlights rather than taillights.
“Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” // Micah 6:8
Talk to your brothers and sisters. Listen to them. Hear their stories. Show empathy. And remember to put yourself in the shoes of others. Morgan Harper Nichols (one of my favorite creative artists) wrote so beautifully on empathy with these words:
“Empathy: Let me hold the door for you. I may have never walked in your shoes, but I can see your soles are worn, your strength is torn under the weight of a story I have never lived before. Let me hold the door for you. After all you’ve walked through, it’s the least I can do.”
As Martin Luther King put it, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
So there you have it, friends. My prayer is that we will continue to shine our lights, be part of the change, take action, use our voices, and love our neighbors as ourselves.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” // Mark 12: 30-31
So I pray that this little blog post encourages you to keep spreading faith, light, and joy - especially during times like these. And continue shining that unique light that God has given you on purpose, for a purpose! “Perhaps you were created for such a time as this…” (Esther 4:14).