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April Blog Post – 23 Months of Sweet Judson!


Updated: May 1, 2023

This has been SUCH a sweet, special, and memorable past month for our little family,

and as of today,

our sweet little Judson is officially 23 months old

(and just one month away from his second birthday)!!

The Lord has been so abundantly good to our family this month,

and we have been praising Him for all that He is doing –

and for the immense blessing of getting to live in this precious old family farmhouse (my greatparents’!!)

for this sweet season as we chase after the dreams

that Jesus has so clearly laid on our hearts

(and is truly leading us to step by step –

we are so humbled and grateful beyond words)!!

Judson and I are loving our daily trail walks and runs with the beautiful mountain views

and getting to explore this beautiful area out in the country!!

We get to wake up with the most stunning sunrise views

and end the day watching the sun set over the mountains… and it is truly breathtaking.

I am loving this simple and sweet country living with my best boys…

and know that we are truly living in the “good ol’ days,”

and wanting to soak up

and savor every little moment!!

Judson is at SUCH a fun little age,

and he brings us so much joy and laughter

and we are just so blessed to get to be his parents!!

We celebrated allllll the things this past month –

like our 4-year wedding anniversary

(in addition to our “engagement-anniversary!"),

Wes’ birthday (29 and sooo fine haha),

an anniversary/birthday weekend beach getaway,

the 4-year anniversary of Emily Mabry Creative (grateful every day for this small business!),

taking Judson to his very first Braves game (while we were down in the Atlanta area for a pastor’s conference for Wes),

welcoming in baby chicks (!!!) to our home sweet home


and so much more!!

My heart has just been overflowing with gratitude for all that the Lord is doing right now…

and it is such a beautiful and fun adventure getting to chase after Jesus and our dreams with my sweet boys!!

“Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us.” // Psalm 40:5

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”// 2 Corinthians 2:9

…Now onto a little more detail on this past month and some sweet memories we have been soaking in and that I want to bottle up and remember forever!!

Hold fast to what is GOOD!!

Holding my boys oh so tight these days

and loving this sweet simple small town life here -

and thanking Jesus for the gift of today -

every day truly is just that… a gift!!

We have been loving exploring new walking/running trails,

and just spending oh so much time outside now that spring is here!!

We started off the new month with our 5-year “engagement-anniversary!” Haha!

“And I thought I loved you then…” #happyengagementanniversary

5 years ago this month, I said my “very best yes” to the man of my dreams - the one I had been praying for since I was a little girl - on the same little white church steps where we met (at a church dance) and got married almost exactly one year later (the next day was our 4-year wedding anniversary)!! #engagementversary

God has been SO good to us since this day and continues to bless us beyond measure!! I will forever see you as my prince charming and my knight in shining armor, sweet Wes!! So thankful I get to say “yes” to new adventures and life with you and our sweet baby Judson every single day - it truly is the greatest gift!!

This will forever be the sweetest memory for us - and I love our love story and the life and family we are building together!!

May God continue to be glorified through our love, our marriage, and our family - He writes the best love stories of all!! #engagementanniversary

With our “engagement-versary,” our wedding anniversary the day after, and Wes’ birthday the day after that… it is always one special special week for us!! #allthecelebrations

There’s nothing sweeter than doing life with my very best friend and the man of my dreams!!

Four years down, forever to go!! Happy Anniversary, baby!! #ourfourthanniversary

This has been such a big year for us - between finishing grad school degrees, selling our very first home sweet home (our beloved fixer upper), and moving to a sweet old family farmhouse for this next season, it sure has been a fun adventure chasin’ Jesus and chasin’ our dreams (all while chasin’ around our sweet baby boy)!!! #chasingdreamstogether

I just love this sweet little life and family we are building together, and just know that year 5 ahead is going to be a special one and the best one yet… because it truly does just keep on getting better and better!! I am so thankful for the way you lead and love our family first, how you lead and love your ministry at church, and most importantly, how you love and follow our Lord, Jesus Christ!!

It is my prayer every single day that God will get much much glory through our love, our story, and our family!! From pursuing me during our engagement season while I was serving the Lord overseas in Uganda, to loving and pursuing me every day since… what a gift from above you are, Wesley Mabry, and forever will be!!

So thankful that we were able to head down to the beach that weekend to celebrate four years of marriage, and all the goodness that the Lord has in store ahead!! Life with you and our sweet Judson is “immeasurably more” than I could have ever dreamed or imagined, and I feel like the luckiest wifey and mama in the whole wide world - today and everyday - to be loved by you!! #happyhappyanniversary

Thank you, Lord, for our sweetest anniversary yet! Here’s to forever!!

Woke up on our anniversary morning to flowers and the sweetest card from my man!!

I love you and the husband and daddy you are to our little Judson, Wes!!

After a sweet little mommy-son breakfast date

and park time, we were officially beach bound!!!

Our sweet baby boy was worn out on the way down and goodness we love this sleeping angel so much!!! Our very greatest gift of all!

Judson was a happy happy boy getting to stop at Bucees on our way down to the beach!

And even got to pick out his very own Buccees animal crackers!!

And there is truly no better place or way to “ring in” our fourth anniversary than dinner on the water

and chasin’ sunsets with these two!!

Thank you, Lord, for the past 4 years and we just know that the best is yet to come!! #happyfourthanniversary #herestoforever

Jesus always has a way with showing off with sunsets for our anniversary… every single year!

Thank you, Lord, for this past year of loving you and one another… and we just have a feeling that year 5 ahead is going to be the very best one yet!

Thank you, Lord, for the “immeasurably more” that my sweet hubby and family are to me - and that you are a God of ABUNDANCE!! You have been so very good to us this past year, and this is our anthem going into this year ahead!! May you forever get ALL the glory! #thebestisyettocome

“The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way…” // Psalm 37:23

Back down in our happiest place of all with our forever beach baby and what a sweet blessing it was!! #anniversarybeachgetaway

Nothing beats a slow Friday morning down at the beach - with bagels and Dunkins iced coffee - anniversary/Wes’ bday weekend was off to a great start!! #allthecelebrations

Beach days truly are the BEST days!! I love these sweet boys of mine and this little life we have more than words can even begin to describe! #beachvibes

You know it’s a good, good time on the beach when you end the morning running into the ocean in your bare diaper!! Our baby boy LOVES the beach and lovessss the WATER - it is sooo much fun with him thesedays! #foreverbeachbaby

And I’m convinced there’s nothing sweeter than those post-beach snuggles - no tired like beach tired!! I love this little beach babe with everything in me - soaking in these sacred moments!! #thegoodstuff

While we were down at the beach, we celebrated our favorite person in the whole wide world’s BIRTHDAY… and boy oh boy, you are so very LOVED, cherished, and adored, Wesley Mabry!!! #29ohsofineeeeee #happybirthdaybabe

From falling completely in love at a little church dance, to getting engaged 7 months later, to pursuing me overseas while I was living in Uganda, to chasing after our God-given dreams together, and now raising our precious baby boy together…. what an adventure it has been!! I have always been head over heels in love with you, but seeing you be the most tender, gracious, and loving FATHER to our little Judson has been the cherry on top! What a GIFT you are to us and to this world, John Wesley Mabry!! So grateful that I get to be your “ride or die” through this crazy thing called life, and that I get to love you forever and ever and raise babies with you… amen!!! #loveyouforever

Wishing you the happiest happiest birthday… and know that year 29 ahead is going to be a special one!! So thankful to be down at the beach to celebrate both our anniversary and your birthday this weekend - what a blessing!! Love this life and family we are building together and am forever grateful for your leadership and love! It’s you, me, and Jesus forever and ever, amen!! #birthdayboy

Happy happy birthday, babe!!! Judson and I love you SO much and loved getting to celebrate you all day long!! There is no better place to spend a birthday than down at the beach - we went out for a yummy seafood dinner the night before,

woke up that morning to a beautiful sunrise view, spent the day hanging out by the sea,

and got in some pool time, too!!

Hope this has been your best birthday yet - we sure are thankful for you!! #hello29 #29sofine #weloveyoubirthdayboy

My sweet boys truly are the BEST thing that ever happened to me!!

Our hearts are so beyond full after the sweetest little weekend getaway down at the coast to celebrate both our 4-year anniversary and Wes’s birthday (helloooo 29, oh so fine) - thank you Lord for such a sweet time celebrating alllll the happy things down in our happy place!!!

We are forever grateful for your beautiful Creation and our little family you have blessed us with!! Marriage and life with my very best friend (and now our baby boy now, too) is such a gift!! #anniversarybeachgetaway #birthdaybeachgetaway #allthecelebrations #heartsofull

Happy Palm Sunday from our little country cutie!!

It just doesn’t get any cuter than a baby in a seed spreader!

After we got home from the beach late Saturday night, we spent that GORGEOUS Sunday afternoon after church out at Wes’ parents’ farm -

He loves helping RaRa and Papa Jack get the eggs from the “chick chicks”

and sittin’ on all of the tractors!!

There’s nothin’ this country baby boy loves more than a “TRACTORRRRRR” these days!!!

And Happy Master’s Week from our bright blue eyed sweetie pie on this bright sunshine-y day!!

“Free and easy down the road I go!”

Oh, how we love our little country boy - bare diaper and doggie in tow… what could be cuter!! #countrybabyboy #corememory #gonecountry

But really…

life lately has looked a lot like early morning mountain view sunrises,

watching alllll the tractors out the window,

hanging out on the big screened in front porch and rockin’ on the old porch swing,

running around all day every day in the green, green grass,

exploring the most beautiful rural country trails up here,

and just loving this small town life with my sweet boys!!

Love this sweet and simple life with my sweeeeetttttt sweet boys and my whole world!!

Boy oh boy, do I love being “mama” to my sweet Judson!! 🤍 #mybestiecallsmemama

It just gets sweeter and sweeter! I loveeee my little angel bunny bestie 👼🏼🐰 - these are the DAYSSSSS!!! PS… this may be my new favorite video of all time… my little bundle of JOY! #easterweekendjoy

You are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen - my tiny little Easter bunny!! #mylittleeasterbunny

Some- “bunny” absolutely LOVED meeting the Easter Bunny again this year - and it was the sweetest thing ever! Our sweet Judson loves animals of all shapes and sizes, and it melts our heart!!

We had such a sweet little time at Hobo Hollar Farms -

just really grateful this Easter season for my little family and all of our many many blessings!!

We had the most “egg”-citing time on “Easter Eve” doing one of our favorite Easter traditions -

So much fun getting to let Judson be a part of it all this year and seeing the JOY such little things bring him!!

Happy Easter from our little family to yours!!

Some "bunny" was so excited to see what the Easter bunny brought him!!

Pure Easter morning JOY!

We woke up to the most stunning Easter morning sunrise coming up over the mountains here, and we are so thankful to love, serve, and follow our RISEN Savior - He is risen indeed!!

Hallelujah, praise the Lord! Our joy, hope, love, and peace are found in HIM alone, and we are so grateful for the ABUNDANT life we get to live in Him each and every day!! He is exactly who He says He is!! #heisrisen #heisrisenindeed

“… I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” // John 10:10

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” // 1 Corinthians 15:57

“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” // Romans 6:4-5

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” // 1 Peter 1:3

Happy Easter from our family to yours!! Hallelujah, He is risen indeed!

We had the very best Easter -

waking up to see what the Easter bunny brought, worshipping with our church family In the morning

and then heading out to spend the day in Charlotte with my family!!

We had the yummiest Easter lunch,

had some afternoon snuggles, watched the Master’s,

and did lots and lots of Easter Egg hunting!!

Such a beautiful Easter Day and we couldn’t be more grateful!!

Thank you, Jesus, for shining your love, light, and blessings upon us - today and every day!

You are our living hope and the reason for our abundant JOY!! #heisrisen #ourlivinghope #happyeaster

Thank you, Jesus, for this sweet life with the sweetest boys

in the whole wide world!! Truly cherishing and savoring these sacred days with Judson at the most precious little age!! #easter2023 #easterrecap #eastermemories

Got to spend the day with my college roomie and bestie, Abby,

while down in the Atlanta area for Wes’ pastor’s conference,

and what a gift that was!!

Love you, Abs, and love seeing Judson and Halle play so well together -

We had the very best time getting to take our all-American baby boy to the Braves game tonight (first time for both Judson AND mama)!!

I am just so thankful for my baseball-lovin’ boys and getting to live out my #boymama dreams hehe!

Judson had a bigggg night and the time of his life -

what a sweet memory for our family!! And goooooo braves!!! #gobraves #futurebravesplayer

This song in the video (suchhhh sweet lyrics) and these sweet memories of a lifetime with my boys will stay in my heart forever!! #babysfirstbravesgame #gobraves #memoriesforlife #bravesgame #boymama #lovemyboys #thesearethedays #futurebravesplayer

And then we had another slow and simple little country Saturday back home!!

Started the day with sweet Judson running around barefoot in a diaper in the yard,

(Judson’s great granny!),

worked on some house projects and yard work around the house,

and had the sweetest sunset ending to a beautiful day!!

Feeling so so beyond grateful to get to live in this sweet old family farmhouse for this season (that was built by my great grandpa!!) and soak up sunset views like this

on our evening walks by the house!!

God is so good!

And if this day couldn’t get ANY sweeter… sweet Wes hung up these little lights on our front porch while I was putting Judson down for the night!

If you know our story… Wes hung up twinkly lights in our backyard for me at our old house for our very first anniversary, so this is kind of like a late anniversary present!!

Here’s to allllll the sunsets and twinkly light front porch hangin’ this spring and summer!!

Thankful for the ones I get to adventure and do this one precious life with -

savoring every moment!

First family Strawberry Hill USA trip of the season

and we are alllllllll smiles for icecream and sunshine around here!!!

Thank you, Lord!!

My handsome bright-baby-blue-eyed country boy -

you make every day so much fun!!

Anddddd we officially have our very own baby “chick chicks”

(as Judson likes to call them),

and we have had ourselves the sweetest little time!!!

Nothing sweeter than seeing our little animal-loving baby boy light up when he got to walk out onto the front porch and see his new “chick chick” besties!!

Here’s to a sweet country spring and summer ahead raising these little chickadees!!!

It’s the little things in life that bring the most joy upon JOY, y’all!! #sweetandsimplelivin #giftsfromgod #judsonandhischickadees

And what a sweet and special last weekend of the month it was for our little fam!!

Judson taking care of his “chick chicks,”

taking a birthday cake to our sweet Uncle Edgar, lots of front porch hangin’,

a firetruck sighting after church

(the kind firemen even let Judson get on the truck!!),

hanging out with all of his little friends at sweet Wyatt’s 2nd birthday party,

and much much more!!

What a gift it is getting to chase after our God-sized dreams with my best boys,