Our precious Judson is 19 months old today, and this sure has been a special past month getting to celebrate and experience the magic of Christmas through his eyes – oh what JOY!!

My “word” for the year of 2022 was “joy,” so it is so fitting that I was able to round out this last month of the year getting to soak in the joy of the most wonderful time of year with our little Christmas angel baby boy and also finishing up my Master’s Degree - woohoo!!

Being Judson’s mommy is truly a dream come true, and it has been the adventure of a lifetime getting to raise the sweetest baby boy with the husband of my dreams, sweet Wes! Out of all the gifts under the tree this Christmas season, I cherish my sweet boys as the very best gifts of all!

Thanking God for the gift of His Son, Jesus, and the abundant life He came down to earth to give us… and now that I get to live each and every day with my little family.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life!!

My word for the new year ahead is “savor,” and I pray that I will continue to savor and soak in these precious moments and memories with our sweet little Judson!

“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” // Psalm 118:24

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” // Psalm 16:11

There is something so very special about this 18-month age…

and boy, what a Christmas to remember!!

Judson is the most joyful, giggly, cuddly, sweet, and FUN little guy and we are soaking in this stage of such love and innocence!!

He loves to play silly games like “peekaboo,” “hide and seek” with his toys, practice all of his animal sounds (his favorite thing right now), and just plain simple… loves LIFE!

He is loving getting to play with his new Christmas gifts and spend lots of special time with extended family and cousins over the holidays.

His little “Rudolph” stuffed animal has been by his side 24/7 this month… and it is the cutest thing! He loves to cuddle with mommy after nursing and I am soaking in these precious moments.

Most of all, Judson loves to reach his hands out to “Mama” & “Dada” when it is time to pray before meals and bedtime… and y’all, it melts my heart.

It is so beautiful how much he is already absorbing and learning at this age, and I pray that He will grow up to love and adore Jesus with his whole heart!

Thank you , Jesus, for this precious gift in our baby boy and the light of love he is to us each and every day!

This past month has held the most memories and Christmas-time traditions –

from Judson’s 18-month-old checkup,

to lots of sweet post-nursing session snuggles by the Christmas tree,

Christmas baking with “Nana,”

mailing out Christmas Cards,

delivering lots of holiday goodies around the neighborhood,

packing and shipping out lots of EMC Christmas “merry mail” orders -

during EMC "busy season!!"

cozy gift wrapping nights by the tree,

the annual “Dickens of a Christmas” Event and Tree Lighting in our little downtown Sparkle City,

both mama & baby got haircuts while on a visit back home to Charlotte,

hanging out with lots of our sweet BSFBC College & Young Adult Ministry students,

going to the Spartanburg Christmas parade,

officially finishing up my Master’s in Professional Counseling Degree from Liberty University (ALL glory to God!!),

celebrating the next day with a special day trip up to the Omni Grove Park Inn to see the Christmas decor,

Christmas dinners and gift fun with family and friends,

a trip to see the Hollywild Safari Christmas Lights (Judson LOVED the lights and getting to pet and feed all of the animals),

visiting a dear friend from my counseling internship at the hospital with Christmas goodies,

staying warm and cozy inside with all of the freezing cold weather that came in right before Christmas,

some Christmas Eve baking and special memories,

the candlelight Christmas Eve Service at our church,

spending Christmas afternoon and the past couple days since with my family up in Charlotte,

and so much more!!

…Now onto a little more detail on this past month and some sweet memories we have been soaking in and that I want to bottle up and remember forever!!

Got to start off the month of December with our baby boy having his big 18-month-old checkup and boy oh boy,

we are so beyond grateful and thanking Jesus for our sweet, strong, growing, and healthy baby boy!! #18montholdcheckup #gratefulheart

We love you and are so proud of you, our Judson bear, more than you will ever know!!

And after a perfect report at the doctor’s office, sweet boy was worn out and snuggled by the Christmas tree with mama for naptime! #christmassnuggles #thesearethemoments

Nothing says Christmas magic like a sleepy babe nestled into your arms by the Christmas tree!!

Click here to watch a sweet little moment of Judson cuddling with mama by the Christmas tree!

Oh what FUN getting to spend December 1st doing some Christmas baking with “Nana” -

one of our very favorite traditions!!

Judson had so much fun

(and loved dancing to his favorite “jingle bells” jam while we baked hehe)

getting to help make lots of yummy holiday goodies - homemade Chex mix, peppermint bark,

and my mom’s mom’s famous passed down Christmas cookie recipe (with red & green candy cherries)!!

Can’t think of sweeter or special way to start off the Christmas season merry & bright!! #bakingwithnana #christmastraditions

PS. “Dada” sure was happy getting to come home from work to the house smelling so yummy from all of our holiday baking!!

The first weekend of December was full of all things Christmas cheer -

walking around the neighborhood and delivering lots of goodies,

and spending sweet time with our little Santa’s helper!!

I sure do love Christmastime with my boys!! #homefortheholidays #christmastimeishere

The most wonderful time of the year,

spreading lots of cheer!!

Click here to watch a fun little video reel of this fun Christmas-y weekend!

And click here to see the CUTEST little dancing video of Judson by the Christmas tree we went up to the mountains to cut down this year!

It just doesn’t get sweeter or cozier than this - home for the holidays and gift wrapping fun with #myboys !!

Thankful for twinkly lights outside, lots of presents for loved ones wrapped up with bows under the tree,

and a sweet blue-eyed baby boy - our greatest gift of all - who is in awe of it all!!

There’s no place like home for the holidays and I’m so grateful for this cozy time of year with my sweet boys!!

Our little bear had so much fun getting to watch the tree lighting at the annual Dickens of a Christmas Event in our little downtown Sparkle City! We sure do love this Christmas tradition in our little town!!

And the very next night, we took Judson to go see the beautiful lights at The Christmas House in Inman - and he was in awe of it all!

So thankful for Christmastime and all the memories with my boys - cozy rainy days at the house,

packing and shipping out lots of EMC orders (busy season!!) with my little love,

and all the Christmas jammies & cuddles!!

There is nothing like experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a precious child!

Judson got to meet Santa Claus and even got to tell him “ho ho ho!”

He sure has been a good baby boy this year!!

We spent a sweet December weekend visiting back home in Charlotte -

both mama & baby got haircuts

(it’s become a thing haha),

lots of post-nursing session snuggles by the tree,

and truly spent time just soaking in and savoring this wonderful season with my boys!!

I love our simple and sweet little life and know that Jesus has blessed me beyond measure in the gift that my boys are!!

We were definitely in the Christmas spirit after taking Judson to the Spartanburg Christmas Parade!! Our little Christmas cutie had a ball getting to dance along with the music and stare at all of the pretty lights!!

We sure do love our little downtown sparkle city -

especially during the most wonderful time of the year!! #spartanburgchristmasparade #babysfirstparade

And just like that… I am officially completely finished with my Master’s in Professional Counseling Degree from Liberty University - To God be ALL the glory - forever and ever, amen!!

“And may the Lamb receive His reward in me, And may the Lamb receive all the glory…” // - powerful lyrics from the song “Lamb” by Elevation Worship - that I always worshipped to on the way to and from my internship site over the past 7 months - as I have had the joy of counseling and walking alongside so many of God’s precious children (of all ages - young and old) in their unique life stories!

“…And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory...” // Ephesians 3:17-21

Between all of the grad school assignments and many many internship hours (600+ !!) on top of being a mama, pastor’s wife, nursing my baby boy, and running EMC from home… this sure has been one busy and full season!! It has taught me a whole new dependence on the Lord and what we can do in HIS strength alone!! I am so grateful for this season that has stretched and grown me in all new ways, and to have finally finished this degree to be used for God’s glory as I follow His leading for my life!!

I was blessed with the most incredible supervisor at the most wonderful internship site!! And none of this would have been possible without my mom/best friend, Judson’s “Nana,” who watched Judson two days a week while I was finishing all of my internship hours! What a sweet blessing!

And my sweet boys and Wes who always showered me with flowers, coffee, and all the love and lunch dates along the way!!

It truly takes a village… and I am so thankful for ALL of my best friends and dear family who have championed me as I have finished this degree!! Thank you, Lord! {1 Thessalonians 5:11}

We celebrated the very next day with the sweetest day trip up at the Omni Grove Park Inn with my boys -

one of our very favorite Christmas-time traditions of all!!

We sat in Santa’s sleigh,

got hot cocoa,

looked at all of the beautiful gingerbread houses,

sat by the warm crackling fireplace,

and had the very coziest time!

What a sweet day with my boys getting to celebrate finishing up my Master’s Degree!!

Click here to see a video recap of our fun daytrip to the Grove Park Inn!

The best way to see Christmas is through the eyes of a child! #happychristmasweek

Oh what FUN we had starting off the happiest Christmas week -

spending time soaking in the season and visiting with dear loved ones,

admiring all the pretty Christmas lights around town,

and spending sweet time “home for the holidays!!"

We are so thankful for our little Santa baby who brings joy and Christmas cheer everywhere he goes!!

It’s not what’s under the tree that matters,

but who you spend the season with!

We sure are blessed!!

Slidin’ into Christmas with our cutie Santa baby!! #babysfirstslide #thesearethedays #earlychristmasgift #fromthegrandparents #christmasjoy

Oh what FUN we had with a little Christmas-time dinner with our besties, the Cochrans!!

So sweet seeing these bestie boys play together and have an absolute ball!! So thankful to get to do life with this precious family and all that they mean to us -

can’t wait for all of the memories to come!!

And thank you, Kristen, for always being my biggest cheerleader as I was finishing up my degree these past few months… everyone needs a bestie like you!! #boymamabesties

PS. Still can’t get over the fact that we were twinning unintentionally (once again haha) with our festive headbands and our sweet boys’ adorable little jammies…. I love it!!

Celebrated the *official* first day of winter with our sweet baby bear!!

Stay cozy out there, y’all!! #babybearsuitseason #happyfirstdayofwinter #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear

Christmas crafting with my Christmas cutie !!!

Judson’s ornament masterpiece hehe -

he was so proud of himself!!

What a wild night we had looking at all of the Christmas lights

and petting lots of animals at the Hollywild Christmas Safari Lights Display -

one of Wes’ favorite childhood Christmas-time traditions that we got to start and carry on this year with Judson!!

He had the BEST time seeing/petting all of the animals and practicing all of his animal sounds, hehe!

What a fun new Christmas tradition we got to start with our little family!

Click here to watch a fun video of our trip to see the Hollywild lights!!

We have been doing lots of snugglin’ and cuddlin’ in this freezing coldddd weather,

visiting a dear friend from my counseling internship at the hospital with Christmas goodies,

drivin’ around to admire all of the beautiful christmas lights,

and truly just soaking in the magic of the season with our sweet baby boy at the MOST fun little age!!

Nothing I love more than giving & receiving Christmas Cards from loved ones this time of year!

Merry Christmas Eve from our little family - wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas full of peace, love, blessings, and joy!!

“And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great JOY that will be for all the people.” // Luke 2:10

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” // Isaiah 9:6

It has been such a special Christmas season getting to share the story of Jesus’ birth with sweet Judson, while also experiencing the wonder and joy of Christmas through his precious little eyes!

There is nothing like experiencing this wonder-filled time of year through the eyes of a child, and it has been the sweetest Christmas yet with our baby boy at the most precious little age!! Thank you Jesus for your blessings upon blessings, and for coming to give us abounding peace, love, joy, and LIFE to the full!

‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there...

Merriest Christmas Eve from our little family to yours!! And happy birthday Eve, Jesus!!

We started off Christmas Eve morning staying cozy in our jammies

& doing a little Christmas baking before heading to the beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church -

“The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him…” // John 1:9-10

We then spent Christmas Eve evening having a blast with Wes’ side of the family and came back after a super fun (& late!!) night to put out our “reindeer food” (one of my favorite traditions as a child that I now get to do with Judson),

put out cookies for Santa and light the fireplace,

read our Christmas stories by the tree,

tucked our little angel in for bed,

and then it was “Santa’s Workshop” for Mr. and Mrs. Claus hehe.

What a special Christmas Eve!!

This has been such a sweet Christmas season with our little Judson at the most precious age - and I was oh so excited to see the JOY on his face the next morning when he went to see what Santa brought!! #merrychristmastoallandtoallagoodnight

“Joy to the world! The Lord is come
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing...”

“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” // Luke 2:10-11

“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises. Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout joyfully before the King, the Lord.” // Psalm 98:4-6

True JOY has come to the world, sweet friends. And He will come again!! Merry merry Christmas from our little family to yours!! It has been so special experiencing the joy, awe, and wonder of this time of year through our sweet baby boy’s eyes this Christmas! Praying that each and every one of you were able to spend time with those you love and soak in the wonder and beauty of the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Glory be to God!

There is nothing sweeter than the JOY in the eyes of our precious blue-eyed baby boy on Christmas morning!!!

Hands-down, the most magical Christmas morning of my life - getting to see the light and wonder on sweet Judson’s face as he got to see what Santa brought him!!

Our little country baby boy sure did love his little red Chevy truck (to match his daddy) and his baseball bat!!

Thank you, Jesus, for the sweetest little Christmas morning with our little Judson -

and then we headed to spend time with my family in Charlotte for the next few days!!

Merry Merry Christmas, from our family to yours!! #christmasmorning

Oh what FUN all of the cousins have been having playing together this Christmas at Nana & Papaw’s house!!

Two babies in a basket!!

LOVES his little lawn mower from Nana & Papaw!

And onto a little EMC note… thank all of YOU for all of your love, orders, and support of this special small business this holiday season (& all year long)!!

It truly means the world to our little family!

I am just so thankful for my cutest little Santa’s helper in sweet Judson - helping mommy pack and ship out lots and lots of happy EMC art this holiday season to all of YOU!!

It’s been SUCH an honor getting to create, share, and send out so many EMC designs to you and your loved ones this Christmas season and I can’t wait to see pics of y’all giving and receiving your EMC lettering art and cards, too!!

As always, share pics and tag me on social media, too - it makes my day!!

I love seeing the joy that EMC designs have been able to bring to you and your loved ones this season! It truly brings me such joy, too! And as always, message me if you have some orders you’d like to go ahead and place for the new year -

I’d love to work with you into 2023, too… and make sure to check out the EMC New Years Sale going on through New Years, too!! Love y’all and this community more than you know!!

And for those of y’all who may be new around here, make sure to head on over to @emilymabrycreative over on Instagram to see all the fun lettering art things I’ve been up to and my personal page @emilyjoannemabry to keep up with our little family! I’d love to have you following along, too!! And make sure to message me today to go ahead and get your EMC New Years orders in, too!!

And for those of you who are new around here to the EMC Blog, you can also find me and “shop with me” over on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download the app and “follow” me there (I put instructions over on my LIKEtoKNOW.it story highlight over on my personal Instagram page @emilyjoannemabry) - where I’m always sharing all my favorite lifestyle products, baby/kids’ items (and cute clothes, of course!), mommy items, and finds!!
You can download the app and follow me here:

I have also added “links” in the captions below (and throughout this blog post!) where you can click, and it will take you to be able to “shop” that specific photo & what you see!!

Now onto some more sweet photo memories over this past month with our sweet Judson… precious memories and moments that I hope and pray I will always remember!

Watching the sunset from the backyard... sweet little moments!

Sweet little evening walk with my boys!

Mornings by the Christmas tree are our very favorite!

Always wanting to play outside with his broomstick - his favorite toy haha!

Christmas baking with Nana - one of our very favorite traditions!

Dancin' and having so much fun while we baked!!

And playing hide-and-seek in Red's dog crate too, haha!

The very best memories!!

"Snuggled up together and comfy cozy are we..."

Had so much fun delivering Christmas goodies around the neighborhood!!

Judson loved going to "pat pat" his reindeer every night!

Wanted to help "Dada" blow the leaves off the driveway with his broom haha!

Bedtime giggles are the best kind of giggles!

My favorite December morning view!